First official day of Neverland

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In the morning we all got up, and I sent half of them to get ingredients, and half of them to stay here and help me make breakfast. So Jade and half of the boys, plus Farrah, plus Brother all left leaving the other half of us with myself and Peter and Tink. When it had been a long time since we had seen them, we decided we should probably go look around for them.

Peter just hopped if anything, that the Indians had found them, instead of Hook and his crew. Boy were we lucky. We flew off towards where they lived, to find that they had been kidnapped. Oh no! I cried. Don't worry about it. What? Why, your boys are kidnapped by the Indians?! Naw this happens all the time.

Really? Yeah just pretty much, just a typical Tuesday here. Really? Yeah, unless they don't come back by sundown, I don't worry. Wow you're such a nice brother. Yeah, yeah you joke now with sarcasm, but.... If I had my sister with me I would never leave her side and wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt her ever again. And I mean that. My sister would be my best friend and I'd never let anything bad happen to her if it did I don't know what I would do I lost her once and when I find her I won't ever let her go.

If you stayed, and didn't have to leave I'd prove it to you. I know you would. Now start by saving the boys, our shadows, and Jade. Watch and learn. Ok you got us this time, nice job and now free them and we can leave. How Pan. How Chief. Stay many moons and have heap glad time stay and be merry. I would but I have an earthling and her friend currently, that is currently also tied up here. So throw them back like cod fish and try again well next time. If you are sure Pan. Cut 'em loose.

Pan? Where is sun's darkness? You tied him up too I think. Merry laughter can be heard, and a more girl sounding giggling. Do you need him back? I let myself be heard. I let out my own peal of laughter. He jumped a good couple of feet. What's wrong? Uh.... Nothing, just find a way to get him back. Before she does. Oh calm down! I'm not going to use my necklace to do it. Brother return. He laughed obeying.

There see no problem, now let's do more exploring. I said calling my shadow back. Hold on, where are we going? Mermaids. Please be careful. Don't let them try to drown you. Aren't you coming? Yeah but I'll catch up. Why? Because if I go at the same time you do, then they'll ignore you the entire time or try to sweetly drown you.

If they get to obnoxious leave, before they do. Ok. I'll be there in 10. Ok. Jade? He says pulling on her arm. If something bad happens to her come tell me. Great bye. Once we got there we were introduced to all the mermaids instead of trying to drown us, they had us swim with them. By the time Peter got there, he heard strange noises and came to find out what happened.

Freya? Jade? We all giggled. Hi Peter. Oh thank goodness you're ok. Wait why are you all wet? They didn't try to drown you did they? Jade you were supposed to come get me! Calm down! We went swimming with them. They didn't try to drown you? No. Great. Now let's go on a treasure hunt, go get the boys.

So we did, the boys went to go look and Jade and I and the shadows decided to go with each other with Tink. Everything was fine until we got into pirate territory. I didn't see the trap on the ground, and by the time I got warned I was in a cage. Help! Stay calm Freya. I'll go get Peter. No, not just you, all of you go no one else can get captured.

They left. Hook brought me back to his ship. Where I was put in a dungeon. They got back and Peter was worried when I didn't show up. Where's Freya? Please tell me nothing bad happened to her. Hook captured her! She got into a trap. Set for you of course. But none the less. Peter was angry and sad. Blinking back tears. We have to get her back! This is all my fault! First Farrah and now Freya?! Let's go! I'm sure she's fine Peter and Farrah will be discovered and brought home you'll find her. I promise.

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