Off to Neverland

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Well come on then. Peter told us taking a hold of my hand. Oh wait Peter. He floated right above my window. What's wrong Freya? You're the only one of us that can fly. Oh I'm sorry, your right. Tinkerbell? Wait Tink's here? Well sure I never go anywhere without her. Of course not Peter how silly of me.

So tell me wise Neverlandians how do we fly? Jade asked us. How about you take that one Freya? I know you know. Of course I know, which is why we need Tink. We need faith, trust and pixie dust. Exactly. Go ahead Tink, coat us down with dust please.

It should've been enough to work. Jade was starting to float and all I could do was hover, but the more I tried the lower I got. Is something wrong Freya? Jade asked me rubbing my back. Peter lifted a hand to his chin in thought. I can't. What do you mean you can't? She can't fly still.

Well why on Earth not? Yeah I believe so I have faith and, I have pixie dust, and I trust that it will work. You're missing one key factor here. I am? She is? Freya you of all people should know what your missing. I.... Is my trust in the magic not enough? Well you said you trusted the magic, but that's not it.

She doesn't trust anyone. No that's not true though she trusts you, or she wouldn't had told you what she has. You two wouldn't be best friends. She's missing a happy thought. Oh.... Jade said running a hand through my hair. Think Freya, think of something that makes you happy. I mean the girls make me happy, meeting Peter and Tink make me happy, music makes me happy, helping others makes me happy, meeting both our shadows made me happy.

But those moments aren't enough I guess. I mean hearing you laugh made me happy, but the thought wouldn't get me all the way there, it needs to be stronger. And I don't know where I come from, so that makes me sad. Jade how are you flying? Huh? Her sad frown that matched mine, but then a smirk grew on her face.

Each other, and laughing. Your laugh is contagious and makes me happy. So now its your motivation. Oh no! Oh yes! Jade don't! I laughed flying out the window. We laughed flying away. Peter and Tink watched us, with shrugs and flew after us.

Soon we were chasing each other laughing, but then I felt something tug at me. And I stopped. I should've started to fall. Jade was way ahead, Tink was by Peter and Peter was only just in front of me. When he realized I wasn't keeping pace with them he stopped.

What's wrong Freya are you alright? Do you need Jade to come give you more motivation. At this Jade turned and smirked, but then saw the look on my face and just floated there. No, I'm fine, but something feels like its pulling me to where were going. Farrah what's wrong with you? I asked my shadow.

Then she suddenly broke away from me. Farrah come back! I called out to my shadow. But my voice was too weak to reach her ears. Farrah?! I called again. I started to stumble and fall through the sky. I let out a scream. Peter dived down toward my falling figure. Freya are ok? What happened? IDK Farrah broke away from me like she too is being pulled to Neverland. Like as if we're being called by a magic pull of some kind even though I've never been there before.

It's kind of hard to steer your body without a shadow while flying isn't it? He asked me. Yeah it is, is it to you when your shadow breaks away? No, but that's probably because I'm used to him breaking away from me. Except on Neverland I know he's gone when I can almost not lift myself off the ground, and I know he's no where in sight when I stagger a little.

Here get on my back. Really? Sure, just hang on tight, and don't move your fingers.... I mean your hands, don't move them. Why? I asked worried. Because the looser you are the less I'll have a grip on you. He said his reply like it had been rehearsed, like it was a lie, but I did what I was told to primarily so that he wouldn't drop me.

When we finally got there, he set me down and we all started to search for my shadow. We found her waiting on the beach. What is she doing there? IDK, but I do know the beach just makes me really sad, so lets get Farrah and get out of here! Peter said dragging my hand. Wait why? You should know the answer to that, so let's see how much you really know.

Oh. I said frowning. I hugged him tight. I could sense how sad he was, he must really miss Farrah. As if he could hear my thoughts, he made a comment just like that. I miss my sister, like a lot, and I've never even met her. It will be ok Peter. I said petting his hair holding him in my arms in a big hug, he leaned his head over my shoulder wrapping his hands around my neck.

Thank you Freya. Hey I'm always here for you, and if I'm not in Neverland you know where to find me when you need me. Where's Jade? Tink probably took her to HQ. Call Farrah back and lets go. Farrah?! I called out. She just stood there. I walked closer to her. Farrah? I asked her. "I know this place." Yeah this is where Farrah got taken away in our dream. "No I mean, other than that." Everything will be ok Farrah, we'll figure it out. Please come back to me, it will be difficult to do much of anything for me without you.

"I'm sorry." It's ok Peter was there to catch me. "I'll stay." Come on let's go find Peter's HQ. "Right ahead of you." Hey Freya you know the story lead me to my HQ. Peter said acting like he wanted me to grab his hand and direct him home, like a lost child. *Ug* you're such a child. Duh! Come on let's go. I laughed at his excitement.

Then we finally got there. Well ladies first. Oh no I'm not going down there first. It's perfectly safe, here I'll show you, he said pushing me down the slide, where I screamed sliding down and landing on a soft thing of hay. Lost boys fall in! Peter yelled as I covered my ears. Jade and Tink were already there waiting for us.

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