Mother of songtelling

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It was maybe mid afternoon there. So everyone was still all active. LOST BOYS! FALL IN! Peter shouted out to them. They all came out of their hiding places, to come and greet me. Jade, Freya these are my lost boys, lost boys, these are Jade and Freya.

You mean the Freya? Freya as in the Freya that tells the Peter Pan stories?! The boys asked all excited. Yep that would be me. I said nervously running a hand through my hair. Wow, sounds like I'm already well known here. Are you kidding? Peter..... Peter runs over to cover their mouths.

Except when Brother comes out, and tells me himself.... "He never shuts up about you." I covered my mouth from laughing. You can't exactly make a shadow stop talking. *Ug* Peter whines, she doesn't need to know that. I was sitting on the hay bed thing trying not to laugh.

Peter changed the subject. So wasn't that fun? He asked me talking about the slide. No I was scared. It's not so bad when you get used to it. That's the thing though, I can't stay here, I still have school, so I won't be able to get used to it. So don't leave, school is grown up stuff.

Yeah school sucks. Yeah, but Freya we have that family story thing for class. I know, I know. How am I going to even figure that out? I don't have a family, I'm part of an orphanage. The closest thing either of us have to family is each other, the girls, and Britney, but she's not very nice. Yeah and Mary Margret, and her husband our Dr. David.

Yeah they're kind of like our parents. They help us. Yeah, but they aren't are real family. Even though they've been having the same dream we've all been having. What dream would that be? The one that the Farrah and Peter story is about.

You mean you've been having the same dreams too? Yeah, and they asked me to ask you if you've been having those dreams too. That I was supposed to go tell them if you had been. They said they were supposed to die, but were given a fate worse than death when they became mortal on Earth.

They became mortal? Yeah just like Farrah. My parents were actually more like fairytale parents because they were characters straight out of what would have been Snow White, like the people from OUAT, before pirates killed them. I wouldn't mind so much if my family were back together. Then we could all live together forever, but I'm sure they're gone. Just like Farrah.

Hey, don't say that, I mean what if you're sister is you know just closer then we all think. How could that be possible? IDK. For now though, how about you both stay and be our new mothers, our mother's of songtelling. Songtelling? What's that?

You know how when you sing your words come to life, its like they're telling a story. So it's storytelling, but with songs and music instead. Oh ok. I mean I can sing songs, I can tell stories, I can tell the Peter, Farrah story as many times as you all please.

That sounds like a wonderful idea. Welcome to Neverland girls, where you'll be staying until you go back to school, to do this boring assignment. Yeah ok, and time is frozen in the real world while we're here right? Yep! Ok. Well it looks like its starting to get dark, so Jade, go with the boys, and go get food, and I'll stay here and set up the room for dinner.

You can cook? Yes I cook, clean, tell stories, sing songs, esc. Cleaning is one of my chores, I make food for the girls back at home, and I love telling stories and singing songs. Oh we know you do. Before we start though would you like your shadow back Peter?

Not if you have to do what you did before! It's not like its painful. If you would sit still, you wouldn't had been laughing so much. What about Farrah? What about her? You need her back inside of you too. Well that's easy. Farrah come back.

Wait if you can get yours to come back, just by calling it, could you tell mine to come back to me? Please. Of course. What are friends for? Friends? Yeah, you do what a friend is right? Hm.... Sorta I mean my lost boys are my family, Hook and his crew are my enemies, and the mermaids flirt and play games with me, and the Indians play games with us sometimes too.

Those are your friends then. So we're friends now too. So, Brother if you would be so kind as to go back to Peter. And it worked. Yeah, but it wasn't as much fun this way as it was last time. Good, I don't need to be a laughing mess, every time my shadow comes apart from me.

Whatever. On you go. Go get food. Fine, fine. When they get back the room is set, and I get to working on the food part. Most of what grows here is fruit, so they had nice cut bowls of fruit and tasting fruit smoothies, and sherbet fore dessert.

When evening fell, we all gathered in Peter's room, and listened to the stories being told. We sang songs, and such a very fun time. When all the boys crawled into their beds, to go to sleep, Peter took us to our rooms. Mine was next to his, and Jade's was across from mine.

Our first day in Neverland couldn't have had a more perfect ending waiting to start a new, all over again in the morning.

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