Is life better now

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So, let's see, it's been a month maybe since my family cast our spell or potion or whatever and now Britney is nicer to us. But I can't go to my actual home, with my actual family, and my actual sibling, twin, BFF aside from Jade. I finally figured out who my parents are, and who my family is, and where I belong, I'm no longer actually an orphan, but I still have to stay here under Britney's lock and key with a bunch of other little girls, and by the sound of things, my mother who just so happens to Snow White, and I've apparently been working with my older sister and my I think grandfather or something, and his wife.

I also met our supposed to be enemy Hook, who ends up being my sister's boyfriend. And when they get married he'll be my brother in law. Which will make Peter and Hook family, which is I'm sure the last thing either of them wants. Since they've been enemies they're whole life before I came along.

I wasn't allowed to leave though for whatever reason. Mostly because of our family's history. We didn't exist in the real world and my parents were dead in our world. Now we can all live happily, or as happily as children can in an magically hidden away orphanage. No one could see it unless they believed in magic, and this way until my parents put their plan into action none of us could get adopted, but now after Regina gave Britney the special candy that made her nice to us, now who would want to even leave.

And not to mention they restored it, to make it pretty much look like whatever we wanted it to look like, our imagination was the key, the sky is the limit. Why would anyone want to leave now? I could think of a reason. I don't belong here and I never have. For 16 years I've always wanted to know why someone would ever give me up, and now that I know the story the only thing I want to know now is why do I have to stay?!

Everyone will try to tell me it's for our own safety, that we had to probably prove that we belonged to these people that claimed to be our parents. Who could ever believe us though? It would all seem like nonsense. No one would believe us. No one believes in things like this, if we do we're thought of as crazy, and if people think we're crazy we can be sent away, and just like Regina said, that won't do Peter and I much good.

Except it wouldn't matter much to him, he's got a "family" on Neverland of his lost boys. And they need hi,, just like my girls at the foster home need me. We had to stay together and I think that's what my parents were thinking. We'd all be together somehow in however long it takes to do whatever my parents are planning. As much as I want nothing more to run away and live on Neverland with my brother and all the Neverland citizens, I was needed here for the little girls. I'm their Peter Pan and they're my lost boys.

Gee for twins I guess the only difference is our gender and parts of our personality, and our enemies, but other than that, pretty much nothing. Man that's another thing I'm going to miss my brother and everyone from our home planet, I hope I don't have to wait forever again to see everyone again or to return home. Where I truly belong.

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