We should go back home

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When everyone else finally came back home, they were all still celebrating, and Peter still had that funny head piece of his head and the boys still had all that warrior paint on their skin. Chief says how to little mother and little sister. How! *Ug* We whined. As she crossed her arms. Come on Wendy is that all you have to say? Everyone else thinks I'm wonderful. Yes, especially Tiger Lily! I could tell right away that she was jealous.

Now I knew how Tink was feeling, the same way that Wendy was feeling towards Tiger Lily. John and Michael take off that war paint and get ready for bed. Wendy told her brothers. Bed? Brave no sleep, go many nights without sleep. But boys, we have to sleep, we're going home in the morning. Home?! Yes home. No we don't wanna go home. No go home, stay many moons.

But Peter, I called to him as he walked away to his room. They should stay here. And so should you, this is your home. But Peter, my own lost boys need me too. And, I'm sorry, but Wendy kind of has the right idea, but I can stay longer, just not forever. I have a project to work on, and I miss the girls. I'll come back, I promise.

Wendy probably misses her family, I'm sure its nothing against you. I said placing a hand on his shoulder. Outside, I heard Wendy tell the boys that they needed a mother, and I heard the boys ask if she was their mother and Wendy was disappointed that her brothers thought that. Or they thought that Nana was there mother, they didn't even remember who their mother was.

Will you tell us what a real mother is like Wendy? The lost boys all asked. I stood in the doorway, and looked sad. Tears pricked my eyes, and I rubbed my arm. I turned to Peter, who was laying in his bed, acting like I wasn't even there, and listened to Wendy tell the boys what a mother is like, as they all began washing the war paint of each other.

Farrah, oh do come in. She called for me. I'm sure you've got a much prettier voice than I do, maybe you can sing them one of your songs. You want me to sing a song about mothers? Of course the boys all cheered. I heard the rustling of movement behind me, as Peter got comfortable, sitting up in his "bed."

Ok, I *sighed* and had Wendy move over. I picked up one of the lost boys who looked about the youngest. And sat him on my lap. You know you remind me of one of my little girls back at the foster home. Her name is Lily, and she loves when I sing to them all. Hm.... Let me see. I could sing you the song I sing to my foster girls. But I'm sure you don't want to hear that old song. Yes we do!

Ok, well.... Here I go. I blew on my necklace as memories of my mother and my family showed up, and I sent this slide show part to Peter, I had to make him understand. Huh? He *gasped* he reached his hand out, and it faded through like a hologram. He frowned. I started singing.

I watched Brother peek around the corner, and I motioned him closer as he sat down next to me. And I felt Freya peel off. And sit next to him, as I watched them wrap their arms around the other. I smiled as I sang, but I knew without a doubt that Peter would be sad. I've sang this song so many times it doesn't effect me.

Soon enough, I swore I heard crying coming from outside, while I was singing. Then I heard someone softly call shh. I didn't think we'd be in any danger though. I ignored the fact that they were there, and soon her brothers were crying. Wanting to go home. They had to check in with Peter though of course.

He was so upset I could tell. Fine, go, all of you, but I'm warning you, once you grow up you can never, ever come back! Ever! Oh dear. I'll go deal with him. I started walking in his direction, but I figured he'd want to be alone. Peter? I called to him. But as soon as I heard his pan flute, I decided he wasn't gonna want to even listen to me.

Peter, I'll be back, I'm gonna, take the boys and Wendy back to Earth now. They'll be back, I'm not worried. Well, then.... Goodnight Peter. Sweet dreams. I said kissing his forehead. He looked up at me. Then turned over. I grabbed his hand made covers, and pulled them over him. I went to go try and take his shoes off, thinking he'd be more comfortable that way, but he asked me to leave them on. Ok, I giggled. Goodnight. He waved me off. Oh Peter. I mumbled sadly.

But now I wished I never would've ignored the pirates. Hook? Wh-what are you doing here? What is that? What are you doing with our guests? Oh, why I'm paying your brother and his boys a visit, Tink led me right to you all, after all she wants to get rid of Wendy and wants Peter all to herself. But, see she's been tricked.

I won't hurt your dear brother, but you my dear, I need to use as bait. As if his little lost boys weren't enough. Hey? You might want to come along at free will before we capture you. Aw well just capture me. Even though I remind him that you won't hurt me, he'll freak out and I think that's funny.

But, can't you just take me myself? Oh no girl, I wish I could, unfortunately, if I take you and not the others, then they can run off and tell Peter everything. Well, he's not to happy with any of us right now anyways. I say looking inside the tree. He's upset that everyone wants to go home. So, he's probably not too happy with me either.

Since I can take them myself, since he won't. And Tink would be more than happy to. Where is Tink anyways? None of your concern, but in safe enough hands, and I made a promise not to lay a harmful hand or hook on your dear brothers head. Key word there being harmful or for any matter, touch. Don't worry, you're in good hands too.

I'll let Smee take care of Peter, and I'll "capture" you myself personally. Men take the others away. Ay, ay captain. What is that? Nothing that will hurt him, much less the HQ. That's funny, it looks kind of like.... I try to scramble away from his grasp. He instead, throws a pair of handcuffs onto my arm and his own. You promised! And I'm keeping my promise, Peter won't be hurt, just the HQ.

Now come along now. Freya! Here Freya! I called for her. Brother came with her. Brother, go.... He shoved a scone into my mouth to keep my quiet. Sh, sh my dear. No harm will come to Peter. Just his beloved hide out. I *sighed* and we went back to the ship, as I looked over my shoulder hoping he would indeed keep his promise.

And when we got back, all the lost boys and our guests were tied up, while I was chained to his side. He made a crew member go and get me a chair, and that he'd stay in one place the whole time. And instead of chaining me to him, he chained me to the chair. Tying my feet gently to the feet of the chair. I wasn't hurt, and this was only just fun and games.

It was like being captured by the Indians. Once they had Peter however, they'd capture him and never let him go and on Neverland that was a very long time. And just what do you plan on doing to us all, once you have my brother in your clutches? Well, I can't hurt him and I wouldn't dream of hurting you. You I actually get along with. Which means I'd need to figure out a way to make him feel sorry for everything he's ever done to me!

Well, but Peter doesn't have any weaknesses. That's not true, in fact, its sweet really his greatest weakness is you my dear, he says holding my head in his hooked hand. And how to make my sister agreeable? I don't need to, I just know she's going to do what she wants no matter what I think. Technically if you think about it, even though her last name in the real world is Swan, she is still biologically a Pan. You have captured a Pan child in that way, you've captured her heart.

And you're getting married soon. Yes, that's true. You have two of us, you physically have me, and you're marrying my sister. So, you've got her too. But, I want Peter! And you're gonna bring him to me love. I will do no such thing! Suit yourself. But, you're not going anywhere anytime soon. Works for me. No, you're supposed to be scared!

But, your not going to hurt me, so why do I need to be? If I found out your greatest weakness, you'd be scared. IDK about that. If you knew what it was, you'd see why. Not that I'm gonna tell you what it is, or what Peter's real weakness is. So, you're not his real greatest weakness? He's got one other, but he'd kill me if I told you. And I'd rather live.

Fine, if you must. Except twins usually have much in common. If you knew mine, you probably know his too. Which isn't gonna happen. Ok, alright. Forget it then. Just stay by my side. Like I have a choice. I mumbled.

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