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Third person//
"Why did you not tell me that nik?!" Asked neil. "Well I forgot! You can't expect me to remember EVERYTHING!" Said nikki. Neil then face palmmed. "Dude that's sick! I finally get to see you! And you grew a lot!" Said ered. Marco then come up to the little group. "Marco if you are going to pick on us then book it because you don't want to know what this FUCKING FIST CAN DO TO YOUR FUCKING PETHETIC FACE!" said nikki.

Ered pov//
I never saw or heard nikki this mad man she never screams like that! She really must hate this kid. "Beat it kid!" I said to the young man. The kid then walks off and then neil thanks me. I smile at the both and tell them to head to class! They both wave by and run off.

Neil pov//
I still couldn't believe that I got to see more of my friends from camp campbell. I felt like I was actually home. Not just that I was moving in with nikki! Life was finally going to the right direction for once. But the school and Marco thing... I need to get used to that...

"Neil we need to get back home!" Said nikki. "Okay when does you're mom pick us up?" Nikki then starts to laugh. "Neil we don't do that! We use a bus!" "Oh yeah right..." nikki then grabs my hand and drags me to the bus and then we get on.

"Nikki, won't they think that we're dating if you hold my hand?"

"I couldn't give a fuck on what others think. I have my best friend back!"

She was right. When we got on the bus we sat down in the back. Nikki was still holding my hand due to the fact that we send messages to each other with hands. I then noticed that Marco wasn't on the bus. I was so relieved.

"Nikki who's that Marco kid?"

"Oh him? He's an asshole. He has picked on me ever since 2017!"

"Ever since you were 7?! God dammit that asshole!"

But what I didn't know is that one of his friends was recording nikki and I.

"Hey do you ever think max is going to come back?" Asked nikki. "Hopefully, I literally love that man! As a friend of course!" Nikki then smiled.

"Yeah sureeee"


"Max and neil sitting in a tree K-I-"

I then cover nikki's mouth with my hand. "NIKKI!" nikki then licks my hand. "Nikki ew!" I then rub the saliva on her face.

At home nikki's pov//
When I get home I see that Marco tagged me in a video on social media. When I clicked on the video I was so fucking mad at him. It was earlier in the bus. It was a video of us talking about max. And it also showed the part where neil says "I literally love that man!" And just ended from there.

I knew what I had to do and I showed neil. Neil put his hands over his mouth and started to cry. I then called max and told him everything.

"What kind of idiot is he to do that kind of stuff?"

"Apparently him!"

I answered to Max's question. After a long conversation we finally got neil to stop crying and to feel mad.

"Ok well bye max!"

"Bye guys!"

I then hung up and looked at neil.


"I guess so..."

I then smiled and got up from. My bed. I then went to the kitchen and then neil followed me from behind. I offered him an apple and he took it. We went back into my room and fell asleep on my bed. Of course not rest nest to each other.

He told me that I kept kicking him in the stomach and that I fell off the bed a couple of times. I knew that he was the best friend that I needed with me at all times.



"Thanks for being there for me!"

"No thanks for being there for me! I could've died in that school!"


I told him that we should go to sleep for tomorrow and he agreed.

"I don't want to go back, they're gonna start calling me gay!"

"Neil why should you care?!" I could see that he knew that I was right. And we both went to sleep.

Hey guys, Just to tell you no im not going to be shipping neil and nikki, they're just really close friends! But that's all I have to say byeeee!

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