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Dolph pov//
Where amz I? Whatz happened? Why can'tz I see anything? Everything was pitch black. All I could hear was nikki calling my name. Why can't I open my eyes? Why can't I talk?

"Dolph!" I then finally could open my eyes. I saw nikki above me, she had blood all over her body. I look to my right to see max and ered looking back at me. I looked at my feet and in my eyes vision I could see my dad talking to a doctor.

I then look to my left and see neil shaking his leg and biting the tip of his nails. I looked back at nikki and as soon as I did she hugged me. But I couldn't hug back for some reason... my body was weak and I could barely hold up my head. After she was done hugging me my dad walks up to us.

"Lets go now." My dad said leading max and neil out while

nikki and ered waited for me. I tried to sit up first but couldn't, my body was so heavy.

The navy blue eyed girl then sighs and helps me up. I thank her and as soon as she lets go of me, I fall into nikki's arms. They both look at each other and then ered picks me up and they walk out as I'm in the arms of my friend. Once we all get in the car ered lays me down on both neil and max.

Max's pov//
Once the others get to the car they put Dolph on me and neil. I was fighting the urge to push him off but I knew that his dad was there and that his dad is pretty powerful.

Dolph's dad's pov//
I couldn't believe that my son was beaten up by some kids and didn't fight back! "I swear Dolph this would've never happened if you were just manly enough to beat them up!" I said. Dolph didn't answer and I was starting to get mad.

"Um mister... I know that you are his father but I think it's best that he does what he can do and love best!" Said the hot pink eyed lady. Of course I would never yell at someone that I didn't know best but I was on the edge.

"No it's best if he is safe and can defend himself!"

"I know that it's good to be safe but you can't blame your 13 year old son just because he can't make your expectations come true! It doesn't mean that he's trying!" Replied the girl to my comment.

I was getting really mad but luckily the lady's house was near. After dropping off her and her im going to assume boyfriend at a 2 story brick house i then asked the others where they lived but they said that they could walk from there so I let them and I drove off with my son in seat behind me.

Hello! Sorry that this chapter wasn't as long as the other chapters but oh well my creativity is starting to die off so bare with me!

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