Day Forty One (Pt 7)

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Drac limply crashed to the floor, the debris raining down around him as he groaned and coughed. He did his best to lift his head before trying to stand up, every part of his body screaming in pain. He glanced up and saw Abraham's silhouette leaping down after him, illuminated by the glowing gauntlets. He jumped from wall to wall in order to slow his descent, Drac immediately limping down the dark hallway in front of him, hoping to distract him for as long as possible. He ducked behind a corner at the end to hide and catch his ragged breath, hearing Abraham drop down on his level.

"I don't understand why you're running away."

Abraham started thumping slowly down the hallway, letting one of the gauntlet's fingers tick against the wall.

Don't answer.

Abraham almost seemed to hear his thoughts in the still air.

"You're just delaying the inevitable....If I kill you now I won't need to use your filthy excuse for a daughter to do it for me."

You're going to regret saying that...

Drac felt a growl bubbling up in his throat, his tolerance at its breaking point; nails sharpening into claws out of habit. Rage was dulling the pain throbbing from his injuries, pupils slitting as the red glow neared his position, the low growl rumbling out from between his clenched teeth.

There was the sound of someone approaching him from behind, but he didn't pay them any attention, as he was solely focused on Abraham. He only turned his head when he heard the sound of energy being charged up. A Stanley had found him and was preparing to shoot, catching Drac off guard. He put pressure on his injured leg, the sharp shooting pains making him yelp and stumble out from behind the corner, Abraham reaching his hiding place, ready to jump and attack as well. Drac was surrounded from both sides, making him instinctively jump up to the ceiling, the Stanley pulling the trigger to his weapon as soon as he did. Drac heard Abraham's screeches of anger as he was blinded and paralyzed, the Stanley immediately apologizing and trying to turn off the gun.

Drac took the opportunity and whisped himself into his bat form; started zipping for the exit, despite the holes in his wings slowing him down. He was barely able to fight the gravity pulling him back down the hole; crashing onto the top deck, morphing back into his normal form, unable to hold the bat any longer.

He hobbled to his feet once more, checking to see how badly he had actually been hurt. Almost his entire body was discolored and cut up, his right knee crushed and mangled.

I...don't think I've been hurt like this before...

Drac was continuing to analyze himself when Abraham's furious voice neared the hole, making him jump.


Drac quickly shuffled away from the gaping hole in the deck, heading for the lifeboats where Ericka would be waiting for him. Before he turned the corner, he saw Fury had positioned himself around the exterior of the hole, pointing the flamethrower where Abraham was going to crawl out.

"T-...Thank you." Drac thanked him quietly, Fury turning his head and nodding back, almost like he heard him as Drac continued to stagger away.

Abraham clawed himself back onto the top deck, an interesting char pattern criss crossing his clothes and skin after being struck. At first he didn't even notice Fury as he was too busy looking around for Drac.

"A-HEM." Fury loudly cleared his throat, catching Abraham's attention. He saw Fury holding the flamethrower, the ignition lit, fintip on the trigger.

"Y-...You. Wouldn't. DARE." Abraham snapped breathlessly.

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