Chapter 5 - Dr. Burger King

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A/N: Hi, sorry I haven't updated in ages, I was taking my exams but I'm done now and I'm on holiday ! woooooow !! more time to write. It took me about 3 days to write this and I know it's absolute SHIT but I tried my best, it WILL get better I promise.

Happy Reading !!!


Louis (POV)

"Just calm down, Mate, It's just a phone !" Danny says, trying to calm me down but fails. "Yeah, MY phone, asswipe, I paid for it and it's new !" I state, waving my hands in the air. "Are you pissed because your phone is broken or because Styles broke it ?" Danny asks, giving me a suspicious look. What's he on about ? "What's that supposed to mean ?" I asked, utterly confused. "Just answer it !" He demanded. "Piss off, Danny !" I flipped him off and left his bedroom and entered his living room. "Lou, Come back !" He shouted as I sat on the cream coloured sofa. "Fuck off, Dickhead !" I shouted back. He continued to shout trying to get me to come back to his room. "Shut the fuck up ! I don't want to talk to you !" I screamed very loudly, He stopped shouting. Thank god.

I was watching the telly in peace and quiet until Danny jumped on me. "I'm sorry, Lou" He apologized, pouting like a 5 year old. I huffed and ran a hand through my feathered hair. "Ok" I rolled my eyes. "But YOU are buying me a new phone". "What ? why ? I didn't break it, go talk to styles !" He said. Yeah, I will, he owes me a new phone.


"There he is" Zayn Whispers near my ear and points to Harry and his friend. "I'll take Styles and you take his friend" I ordered. We headed towards their direction. I grab Harry by his collar and shove him against the locker. "What the hell ?" Harry shrieked. "You" I poked his chest "Owe me a phone since you broke mine yesterday". "If you would have listened to me, I wouldn't have broken your phone, you have no one to blame but yourself" He said looking me in the eyes. What do I say now ..? He's right but I can't let him know that. "Just get me a new fucking phone !" I said in a low, threatening voice. I released him and Zayn let go of his friend. Harry straightened himself up. "Come on, let's go" His mate pulled him along. "What do you have last period ?" I asked Zayn. "Now ? I have physics with Danny and Perrie" He answered. "Alright, I'm taking Aiden to get some food and tell Perrie that uncle simon won't be able to pick her up, so I'm taking her home, later" I said. "Later, mate" He hugged me.

I headed off to find Aiden. I looked down the crowded hallways, students making a trail for me because their scared shitless of me. I finally found him talking to Danny by his locker. "Hey, bitches !" I greeted them. "Hey" They greeted in unison and high-fived eachother. I rolled my eyes. "Aid, you and I have a mission to complete" I said in a very posh accent. "What is it Mr. Bond ?" He asked in the same accent. "We have to retrieve our food that has been kidnapped by Dr. Burger king !" I answered, holding back laughter. "You guys are idiots" Danny said, face-plamming himself. "Don't be Jelly" Aiden laughed, we said our goodbyes as the bell rang then made our way to the car park.

"Ladies first" I said opening the car door for Aiden. "Thank you, you're such a gentleman" He said in a high pitch voice. I closed the door for him laughing and jogged to my door, I got in and started the engine.

We arrived at Dr. Burger King's lair. "Aiden, we have to be very careful, Dr. BK is very dangerous" I warned. "Here, take this" I opened the glove compartment and retrieved two water guns, I gave the pink one to Aiden and kept the blue one for myself. They're empty, of course.

Both me and Aiden put our guns in our pockets. I cut the engine and we exited the car. I pushed the door open and walked in, Aiden behind me. "Can I have 6 chicken steakhouse burgers, 4 extra fries, 6 beef steakhouse burgers and all the drinks Pepsi and two Carmel sundae's" I ordered. "Is that all, Sir ?" The waitress asked. I nodded my head. "Ok, it's 34 pounds, Sir" She said. I got my wallet out and paid half, Aiden paid the other half. We sat down and waited for our food.

"So, what's up ?" I asked. "Not much, just living life" He answered with a smile. "What about you ?". "I'm good". "I'm serious, Lou, have you seen you're mum ? Spoken to her ?" He asked seriously. "Umm .. Yeah, she said she doesn't want to see me again" A tear made it's way down my cheek but I quickly wiped it. "I'm Sorry, Lou" He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it slightly. "It's okay" I faked a smile and by the look he was giving me, he was unconvinced. I gave a pleading look and he dropped the subject. The waitress handed us the three bags of food and we headed back to school.


Like I said before I'm sorry it's Shitty and Sorry it's frickin LOOOOOONG I know and sorry for any spelling mistakes. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed it, Share, Vote (If You Want) and stay tuned. Feedback and comments are VERY much appreciated !

It's 2:00 AM and I'm dead tireddd so ....

Beth OUT !!!

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