Chapter 7- Weird Feelings and The Drive

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Harry (POV) 

He scoots closer and Smiles. He leans in and I feel him reach behind me and grab something. He pushes me down until my back is flat on his bed. "I've waited so long to do this" He says. "Close your eyes, Harry". I close my eyes. I feel a knife being shoved into my chest followed by agonising pain. I open my eyes and see him sitting on me with a scary smile on his face. "Die !" He screams and pulls the knife out and starts repeatedly stabbing me, blood everywhere. My world started going black and the last thing I heard was his spine shivering laugh. 


Didn't see that coming right ?

Just kidding ! Here's the Real chapter 7 ! 

Happy reading !


Louis (POV)

I unlock the front door and let Perrie in then I go in after her.  "Okay, the doc said 20 minutes then you can eat, I'm gonna go talk to the guys then I'll start cooking" I tell her with a smile. "Thanks, Bro you're the best !" She smiles back. I run up the stairs, to Zayn's room. I open the door quietly, so he doesn't hear it. I tip-toe to the front of his bed. I hold back laughter as I get ready to rip the blanket off of Zayn and Niall. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ! I rip it off and they both exclaim fearfully. "I'm home, stop sucking each others' faces off and help me make second lunch, I'll be back 10 minutes, if your asses aren't in the kitchen I will pour ice water on you both !" I said before heading towards Aiden's bedroom.

His door is open. I stand at the doorway and see STYLES ? What is he doing here ? I see him lay on Aiden's bed. "Comfortable ?" I ask with a smirk. He shoots up. "Erm ... I was just waiting for Aiden " He blushes. "Sure, you are" I raise my eyebrows and leave. I walk into my room, I stand in front of my closet and pull my top off and I put on a Black short sleeve button-up. I go to the mirror and fix my hair. I see Aiden walk by my door. "Hey" I smile. "Hi, you're home" smiles back, pulling me into a hug. "Oh listen, I brought Harry over to work on our project come to my room and we can start" He informs me and leaves. I nod then go back to the mirror and continue fixing my hair until I'm satisfied with how it looks.

I slowly walk back to Aiden's room. His door is still open, so I take it upon myself to enter. I stop in my tracks when I see him and  Styles on his... bed... kissing ? WHAT THE FUCK ? IS THAT WHAT THEY DO ALL THE TIME ? I suddenly get a woosh of Anger, hate and .... jealousy ? No, no ! I can't be jealous ... can I ? I can't let this bother me. I turn around and march down the stairs, angrily, to the kitchen where Perrie, Zayn and Niall are sitting on the counter, chatting. "What ya hungry for ?" I ask, a hint of anger still in my voice. "Pizza !" Perrie says, jumping off the counter. "Okay, there's no fucking way I'm cooking pizza, it takes too fucking long !" I stated and walked to the living room where I plopped on the sofa in front of the flat screen. "What's your problem? You were fine 10 minutes ago !" Perrie Says,standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. "Nothing. Move !" I said, glaring at her. She huffs and leaves. 

Moments later he Comes in. "Lou, we're hungry" Aiden whines, standing where Perrie was standing earlier. "And how do this concern me .. ?" I ask in an annoyed tone. Honestly, I don't want to talk to Aiden. He makes a face. "Why are you still standing here ? Fuck off !" I Say. He sighs before leaving. Ugh ! I need to get out of here. I switch off the TV and run up to my room.     I search my desk for my car keys and remember their in my pocket. Duh ! I grab my letterman's jacket and wallet and run back downstairs. I open the front door, head straight to my car, I unlock it and enter closing the door behind me, I start the engine, I rest my head on the steering wheel and close my eyes. I turn the stereo on, press the CD button. Give Me Love By Ed Sheeran starts playing. I close my eyes again, singing softly, tears running down my cheeks. This album helped me get through so much, My parents' divorce, My Mum's re-marriage. 

I heard Knocks on the window, I slowly opened my eyes, My head shot up and my hands flew to my face, wiping the tears when I realized it was Harry at the window. I rolled it down. "Can you give a ride home ?" He asks, breathlessly. "Aiden can't take you ?" I ask in an annoyed tone. He shakes his head quickly. "Fine, I'll take you" I give in. He enters the car. I drive into the street and go straight. Beside Harry gets his phone out and quickly dials a number and put his phone to his ear. "Hi, Liam, I need you to do something for me, Call Dave and pretend like you're someone from the school and tell him that you need me to stay in school for a little bit longer. No, I'm on my way home right now, We kinda got carried away, I'll explain it to later, Thank you, me too, Bye" I listened to his conversation.

A Light starts flashing and beeping as I started driving. "Do you mind if I stop to get some petrol ?" I ask in a bored tone. He nodded, I let out a breath. I took a left into the petrol station, I got out of the car and opened the gas hatch thing and filled it with petrol. After it was full I went to get my wallet. "Want anything ?" I asked Harry. He shook his head. I walked to the store and waited in line behind a woman with a little girl wearing a tutu, she reminded me of the twins, Daisy and Pheobe. "10 Dollars, Sir" The cashier said. "Can I have three packets of Davidoff cigarettes too ?" I asked. He gave me the cigarettes and I gave him the money and exited. 

I turned on to the main road. "Where do you live ?" I asked the very quiet boy beside me. "Blackfield drive" He answered with a small sigh. Damn that's like 30 minutes away ! A couple minutes of silence passed by. "When are you finally gonna help with the project ? It's next week" Harry finally speaks with a slight smirk. "I don't need to help Aiden's gonna give me a copy of his, Simple" I say, putting a cigarette between my lips and lighting it. I inhaled and exhaled the smoke. "You think you're so damn funny, don't you ? Well, that's not gonna pass you, plus it's going to affect my grades too and the last thing I need is the fail !". "You're not going to fail, Mr. Negative, And if you do, so what ?" I shrug my shoulders. "Tomorrow, after school, the Library, Be there !" He ordered. "Fuck no ! I'm not sitting in some stupid Library I have a life, Thank you !" I stated, throwing my cigarette out of the window.  "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, You're 'Life' can wait a couple hours" He say, raising his voice slightly. NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO ! ESPECIALLY NOT STYLES ! I slam on the brakes. "Get out !" I unlock the doors. "You're joking, right ?". "No, get out !" I demanded. "You're so immature" He mumbles as he slams my car door. 

The guilt starts settling in, fuck ! I hit the gas pedal to catch up with him. I know I'm going to regret this. "Get in" I say, rolling the window down. "I don't want to" His eyes never leaving the ground. "Look, I won't yell again, get in" I try to convince him. Why am I doing this ? He stops and huffs. "Fine". 10 Minutes pass by and I'm about 3 minutes away from his house. "So, who's Dave ?" I ask curiously. "My Step Dad" He answers, making a face. "Why do you want him to know you're late?". "Because, It doesn't matter, why do care anyway ?". "I was just wondering, for the project" I say, trying to hide my smirk. "You're fucking asshole" He snarled. "What did I do ?" I knew exactly what I did. "You think it's funny to mess with me ? I have enough people doing that already, I don't need you too" He shouted. I parked in front of his driveway. "Thanks for the ride, Dickhead" He flipped me off as he jogged to his door. "Fuck you too !" I shouted and began driving back home. Wow ! who knew styles was such an ass ! but who the fuck does he think he is to call Me a Dickhead ? I'm the Tommo, No one calls the Tommo a Dickhead ! 

I will seek revenge. 


Thanks for reading and supporting ! 


Beth OUT !

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