Chapter 11- One Way Or Another.

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Hey, here's Chapter eleven.



Harry (POV)

I struggled to run as far as I could from Louis, still crying. How could I have let this happen ? He knows that I'm hiding something and he'll be on my case until he finds out. First he hates me and now he's acting like he cares, dying to find out what I'm so desperately hiding from the world, even though I'm sure he still wants to kill me. Why does he have to be so confusing ? 

I managed to get to my house through the darkness, the sun beginning to rise as I unlock the door and enter. I figured Melanie was sleeping so, I tried to be as quite as possibly could as I went up the staircase to room. Once I'm inside, I lock my door and take my clothes off, throwing them on the floor. I know I shouldn't have gone to that party, it's not where people like me belong. What was I even thinking ? I'm so stupid. My hands shake as I turn the knob on my bathroom door. I stand in front of the mirror. "You disgust me !" I say looking at my reflection. I'm so fat and stupid and pathetic. "Worthless". 

None of this would have happened if I never called Aiden and told him I could come. I don't even know why a guy like him would even take a second glance at someone like me. He's probably doing it be cause he feels sorry for me ... "I HATE YOU !" I shout and punch the wall with full force. I slid down the cold wall and started crying again. "I hate you so much" I whisper to myself.

I laid there until I stopped crying. I peeled my body off the floor and walked into my bedroom. I lowered the temperature of my A.C, freezing cold air hit my body, causing me to shiver. I slipped under the sheets. I'm not tired; I can't sleep. What am I going to do about Louis ? It's going to be awkward around Aiden and if I don't talk or show up the boys will think something's up, I really don't want that to happen. 

I tossed and turned in bed for hours before giving up on the idea of sleep. I open the top drawer of my side table. I take out a bottle of sleeping pills. I pop the lid open and swallow two with some water. I returned the bottle then checked the time, 6: 58 AM. I laid back in bed, soon my eyelids began to feel heavy and before I realized it, I was in a deep sleep.


A loud slam sounded and I shot up. I snapped into reality; I was in history class and the teacher was standing in front of me with a furious expression on her face. Shit ! I fell asleep. "Go to the principle's office then come back and get your detention slip" She ordered with a murderous look in her eyes. I did as she instructed. I walked through the hallways until I reached the secretary's desk. "Mrs. Sanchez told me to come here" I stated. "Go ahead" He said. I pulled the handle down and entered principle Hastings' office. "Have a seat, Harold" He gestured. I sat on the seat facing him and put my bag on my lap. "Harold, I've been receiving some ... negative comments and observations on your behaviour and performance in class, is there any particular reasons for that ?" He asked. I shook my head. "Any problems with other students ?" I shook my head again. "Teachers ? Home ?". "No, I'm fine" I blurted out. "Okay, if you don't feel comfortable telling me, you can always speak to Mrs. Avery". "A shrink ? You think I'm crazy or something ?" I asked angrily. "No, that's not what I'm say-". "Look, I told you that I was fine". "I just want to help". "I don't need help !" I grabbed my bag and left. Heading to Mrs. Sanchez's office, I got my slip then re-entered the hallways. As soon as I did the bell rang. Fantastic ! I ran to the empty field and sat behind a large tree, where no one could find me. As if they'd look anyway.

The bell for fifth period rang. I waited 20 minutes before going back into the building. I walked silently to the bathroom, going unnoticed by all. My hands were covered in dirt from the field, I bent down to the sink and washed my hands with soap and water. I dried my hands on my jeans. The door opened, the person entered before I could run into a cubicle and hide. Louis. "I thought I'd find you here" He said. I backed away from the sink. What is he going to do to me ? "What do you want ?" I asked. "You know what I want ... let's not turn this into a big deal, just tell me the truth". "You. Don't. Even. Care. About. Me. so, what difference would it make if I told you ?". "Do your friends know ?". I looked down and gulped. "Thought so... what is it ? what's so bad that you couldn't tell them ?". I remained silent. "I don't... I won't tell... I pro-". "Harry ? I've been looking all over for you" Nate cut Louis off. "Well, you found him, Yay !" Louis spoke sarcastically. "Now go away, we're in the middle of something" He added. "No, we weren't" I said quietly. Louis shot me an angry glare. "Good, 'cause there's something important I have to tell you" Nate pulled me out the door. Right before we were completely out of the bathroom, Louis grabbed my arm, pulling me out of Nate's grip. "This isn't over, if you don't tell me, I'll find out my own way" He whispered.

Louis (POV)

I need a plan ... It's obvious that Harry won't tell me... Wait ! did I really just call him Harry ? What's happening to me ? Focus, Louis. I need to do something ... I don't want to talk to his little friends. Aid ! he'll tell Aid .. But I'm still pissed at that asshole for what he did. I'll think of something, Right now I just want to get out of this gross ass bathroom.

I exit the bathroom, entering the crowded hallways that quickly clear out with the ring of the bell. I start walking but stop when something on the wall catches my eye, A poster. "Senior Talent Show" It read. That gives me an idea. I know how I can get Styles to talk and I can get the message across to his friends without having to speak a word to them. This is perfect. Now all I have to do is wait for next week. He won't see it coming. Muahahaha !


Hope you enjoyed. 

P.s. Louis is not evil ... Okay maybe he is but not that evil.

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