Chapter 17- I Found Harry.

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I present to you Chapter seventeen.



Liam (POV)

The bell rings signalling that school's over for the day. I get my phone out and call Zayn. "Yo, you summoned me ?" He answers. I roll my eyes. Idiot. "Meet me in the parking lot ASAP" I hang up. I make my way to my car in the parking lot and sit on the hood as I wait for Mr. Show-Off. Several minutes pass and he finally arrives. "The king has arrived, speak quickly" He says. "Listen, dickhead, Louis called me earlier, he said that Harry wasn't at the center, that someone else had picked him up, they can't tell us who it was because of some policy shit" I explained. "Where do you think he is ?". "That's where we come in, we're gonna find out".

We got into my car and drove to Zayn's house for something "Urgent" According to Zayn. I stayed in the car as he ran in. 5 minutes later he returned. "Let's go" He said almost breathless like he had just been running. I stepped on the gas. Within 20 minutes or so we arrived. I opened my door to get out, suddenly Zayn grabbed my wrist. "Here, we can never be too careful" He handed me a handgun. I hesitated but took it anyway and put it in my back pocket.

We entered the building. I headed to the security room, Zayn behind me. Once we were in, I locked the door and pulled my gun out Z did the same. I pointed my gun to one of the security's heads, Zayn pointed his gun at the other one. "Move, or I'll blow your fucking brains out" My voice was threateningly low. The security did as I instructed. "Find a patients release form, Harry Styles, Do It !" I demanded. I feel so Badass.

I watched the security shuffle through files looking for Harry's. I'm trying to restrain myself from laughing at how he looks. He turns around and hands me a file. I hand Zayn my gun so, he can keep an eye on the security as I look through the file. I scan the papers, I find the release document. I read it carefully. I read the name and signature under the title Guardian. No fucking way. I show Zayn the paper. "WHAT THE FUCK ?!?" He exclaims.

*** (listen to the song on the side when you see this: ^)

Third Person (POV)

The two boys arrive home after a dangerously reckless drive. They rush inside to show Louis the file. After a short pause for breath. Liam hands Louis the file. Louis is taken aback but a flash of anger crosses his face. "Let's fucking go" He says, clearly ragging mad.

The boys arrive in front of his house. The door was open; they enter. Searching the house for any trace of Harry. They hear a muffled cry coming from what appears to be a kitchen. They enter the kitchen. Harry was tired up on a chair, his mouth covered with a piece of cloth. Louis rushes to him, trying to untie the ropes. Suddenly an evil laugh sounds and he appears. Louis is startled.

"Why are you doing this ?" Louis asked. "Because, I love you, I always have, I had you but then this piece of shit had to come along and ruin it for me, now, he has to go" He said darkly. He pulled Harry's head back by his hair and brought a knife to his throat. "Say bye bye, Harry" He added. Louis gulped. His hands were shaking with fear. He managed to steady them long enough to shoot him in the shoulder with a gun he borrowed from zayn, causing him to fall to the floor. "Go to the car" Louis ordered Liam and Zayn. Louis pulled out his knife and cut Harry loose then pulled him into his embrace. Harry's heart pounding against Louis' chest. "I thought I was gonna lose you... I love you, Harry" Louis placed a loving kiss on Harry's lips. "I love you, too" Harry breathed out. "Let's go" Louis pulled Harry towards the front door.

^Suddenly, A gunshot was fired. Louis turned around to look at Harry. Harry fell to the ground, his clothes stained with blood from the shot in his chest. Louis bent down to check Harry's pulse; nothing. Rage filled Louis heart. He stood up and walked over to him. "What the fuck is wrong with you ? you killed him ? did you think I'd come running to you ? this isn't a fucking game ! I loved him and you murdered him !" Louis screamed. "I loathe you" Louis looked him dead in the eyes. Louis gripped his throat tightly. "Go to hell, Stan".

Soon the police arrived at the scene of the crime. "NO ! NO ! YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM !" Louis screamed as the police officers tried to get him away from Harry's body. A paramedic gave him an injection to silence him. "We can handle it from here, have a nice day" An officer said to Zayn as he handed him Louis. " 'A Nice Day' what a joke" Zayn thought as he and Liam got Louis into the car. Zayn drove them, seeing as Liam was in no state to be driving. They arrive 20 minutes later. Zayn had called everyone over to tell them the news. They were devastated to say the least. Zayn and Liam had to make funeral arrangements, because they knew Louis - emotionally and physically - couldn't.


Didn't see that coming did you ? Didn't think so.

Anyways One chapter left plus a surprise.

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Beth out !

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