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╔═════════════════╗New Game

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New Game. Prologue

[Words: 1115]
[Duration: Short]

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A drop of water fell on the gold tin headboard, there was a leak in the ceiling, which caused the fall of the water that was filtered by the rain between the small cracks in the ceiling.
The rabbit looked up from him and another drop fell on him, his eyes narrowed in annoyance as he let out a silent sound.

- The rain doesn't seem to let up... - Someone else whispered behind him.

Silence was present, the man did not deign to speak, just uncomfortable and threatening looks was all his communication. His partner sighed exhausted, socializing with Afton was like talking to a wall, don't expect him to answer you, because he won't.

- We should hurry up before they arrive - The girl continued speaking, the rabbit didn't even flinch at her words - I've been thinking... We could open the place, to call people - She finished speaking.

The young woman directed her gaze to the man, he did not give an answer, but at least she had managed to attract his gaze.
Those soulless gray eyes watched the woman in silence, he looked like an animal hunting his prey, to which the opposite felt intimidated.
She was going to back up to search her mind for one more word to write down, but she was interrupted by the untalkative rabbit.

- More people..? - His voice, raspy, escaped over his shattered vocal chords. A hint of gravelly gravel in his accent was noticeable by the wear and tear on his throat, that or he wanted to appear.

- But that was what you asked for, Mr. Afton - She replied, confused.

The silence returned, it took several seconds but finally he continued his conversation.
William lightly cleared his throat by coughing a little, the burning and pain gone over the years, but the feeling was uncomfortable. He felt the same as when one was hoarse, but without pain, without the ability to shout or raise the volume, only being able to whisper and slur his words as if they weighed.
He leaned against the window, watching the water fall, a small moon could be seen in the background between the trees. The girl took her hands to her chest somewhat anxiously, she wanted the other to speak, but forcing him would only get worse knowing that we were talking about William Afton.

- I was been trapped here for years. My goal is freedom, a rest that I will never achieve. And although heaven is already a forbidden place for me, at least I will be accepted in hell - The gold whispered, the woman paid attention attentively to the elder's request - I require him, alive or dead, it is the only thing that can save me...

- Save... but Mr. Afton you are already dead... there is no more... nothing - She tried to explain subtly but she decided to keep silent as she did not find the right words, the girl was full of doubts that ate her inside.

Footsteps were heard before the animatronic responded. He tried to force the window lock with his hand to open it, but it resisted and the rust made it worse. The girl blocked the entrance using furniture at her disposal, trying to prevent the intruders from accessing where they took refuge.

- They are here, Mr. Afton .. - Spoke with concern the younger. The sound of the window echoing through the room, Afton growled, unable to force it.

- Do me one more favor... - The animatronic demanded, she hesitated for a moment but she ended up finally agreeing.

The young woman's gaze remained in those empty eyes, she did not understand how they had come to this, she did not understand how from being those who persecute they became the persecuted. Now they were trapped and without escape, the smoke seeped through the ventilation causing coughing, soon she could no longer breathe and he would be alone with them.

- Mr. Afton... - The girl murmured showing fear, the animatronic felt an impulse inside him, he grabbed his head growling trying to control himself for once.

William was angry, he wanted to kill, he wanted to end everything, but he just couldn't. This time killing would not help, he was the loser in that regard. All that remained was close his eyes tightly and suppress his murderous impulses for once.

- I am going to kill you, I will cut your neck off and I will see how you bleed out while I burn in flames - He threatened scaring the other more, but she had to stay strong, she had to be brave for her safety.

- What I can do..? Mr. Afton what can I do for you .. and for me .. - She asked listening to how the door was banged hard.

After a few sighs, the older man managed to control himself. He stumbled against a nearby table, and reached inside his own animatronic suit, digging through the flesh and springs.
The woman looked away breathing the smoke coming from the ventilation, she coughed once more, they had less time.
When she opened her eyes to face the rabbit, he was a few inches in front of her. She stumbled back against the table blocking the entrance, the animatronic cornered her.
She felt something shiny stick out from the man's hand, a butcher knife, smeared in some dried blood and reflected by the light coming in from the window.
The knife was pressed against the girl's chest, who held the weapon as a defense instinct, but was surprised to notice that the other did not use force, indeed, he did not intend to kill her, the man dropped the weapon remaining in possession of the young woman.

She looked for a few seconds at the killer robot in front of her, he had handed over his weapon, between the black smoke and the moonlight that filtered through slight leaks in the roof, it could witness the silhouette of a destroyed being, those black pupils, white irises, jaw disengaged with sharp robotic teeth, faint traces of dried crimson blood, and wires protruding from the exoskeleton.
She blinked for several seconds in confusion, trying to avert the gaze she had on William, she wanted an answer that she couldn't find... until he spoke.

A whisper was audible from the assassin, the woman's breath hitched for a moment. Why would he want something like that? What was the reason? Was it really what he longed for? She swallowed hard as she tried to remember how they got to this point, she just wanted to know whatshe did wrong to end up this way...
He called her back, taking her shoulder with his only hand, she closed her eyes sighing before looking at him.
And, although she would have preferred not to hear anything, this time she clearly heard him.

- Vanessa, kill me...

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- Fat#er... Re#em#er w##n I #old yu# th## you wh##ld b# #ro#d.... ## ### ## ## . . . . . . . . . .

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