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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 8

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Chapter 8. Fourth Stage.
"The Burn Trap"

[Words: 4800]
[Duration: Very extensive]

Readjusting her rabbit mask, and gripping the briefcase tightly.
She walked down the front steps with the creepy feeling of being watched.
She stopped near the lost and found door, she looked through her pockets for a certain mobile phone, hours ago Vanessa tricked the guards into stealing Henry's phone.

She turned on the screen to see that the object was locked by a security password, she tried a couple of random numbers, but all to no avail.
On the third try she gritted her teeth as she thought of some idea.

- Do you have any idea...? - She whispered into the air in a barely audible whisper for the golden rabbit to hear.

I wait patiently for a few seconds, a voice spoke in her mind in a cold and sharp way.


She sighed out loud to move from the wall and start wandering in search of the office at the end of the entrance hall, the one that led to the basement.
She did not try any password for fear that the phone would be locked. She knew that Henry would hide valuable information and possibly that would be a good way to advance what William wanted.

She dodged a couple of staffbots without any difficulty, and stopped in front of the doors that led to the corridors of the underground office.
Afton spoke again, causing her to stop walking.

"Try with 1973"

She nodded pulling out the phone, the password was a four number pattern so it would make sense.
She entered the numbers and the device unlocked.
Vanessa's eyes widened in surprise. Why would he know Henry's password? Even after so many years...

- How did you know? - Asked the woman with disbelief. - Is it some kind of important date?

The silence came for a few minutes, Vanessa feared that she had asked something that she shouldn't or inadvertently touched on a sensitive topic for the man.
She began to wander down the phone not wanting to get into anything overly private about the man.
She went into the contacts to quickly see them without looking at the conversations, surprised to only find Samuel's number on the list.
"This man really consider himself dead, huh?" She asserted herself in her mind.
She began to wonder if she should enter the conversation in order to find something useful, but at the same time fearing to read inappropriate things.
She plucked up the courage to go in and browse quickly, moving up in the conversation without giving much importance to the text.
She noticed that most of it was business or casual conversation, but nothing interesting to them.
She closed the contacts app somewhat disappointed and she looked to see if she had any other thing where she could get information about the company, the remnant or the animatronics.

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