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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. Fourth Stage.
"The Breach"

[Words: 1340]
[Duration: Short]

A shiver ran through the skin of the night guard, definitely not, she was not going to collaborate with that walking corpse, if that was what he was thinking. Just being close to him made her want to vomit just by breathing the nauseating smell he expelled.

- I refuse - The woman answered quickly, deciding on her option.

- How daring... - The rabbit murmured, darkening her gaze.

She wasn't accepting, he wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. Two opposite poles which would never come together. But as they say, two opposite poles cannot be separated.
And inevitably, the least patience of man was exhausted.

- I don't know who you are or what makes you think that you can break into a shopping center and threaten the lives present - She tried to defend herself, the opposite didn't say a word.

It was more than enough for him, words were not necessary, the communication became physical when he approached the girl without pleasant reasons. And without thinking, he lunged at her with murderous intent, but he was abruptly stopped when a powerful beam of light landed in his eyes.
The flashlight had frozen him in place, feeling blinded and vulnerable he took several steps back. So many years in the dark didn't help his now delicate vision, but it was only a matter of seconds before his weakness vanished, unfortunately for the girl.

She took the courage to face the rabbit pointing the flashlight at it, a flashlight which was unexpectedly stolen by a metal hand coming from behind the woman. An animatronic lurking in the dark for a long time, waiting for the right moment to come out, snatched the flashlight from the guard's hands, freeing Afton from his hold.

The rabbit pounced on the girl in a second attempt, pushing her against the wall, lifting her up and choking her with his hand, holding her by the neck, preventing her escape.

- ...At last appeared... Elizabeth - The eldest whispered, feeling the green look on him.

- I'm sorry father, I had to cut the lights throughout the establishment to deactivate the security cameras, it was a difficult task - The animatronics answered.

Afton glanced at her daughter, then looked back at the guard who was struggling to try to breathe, for some reason she was unable to free herself from the male grip, wondering where the rabbit got so much strength.

- Let us talk more... civilly... - The murderer said to the victim, releasing her from his grip so that she fell weakly to the ground between desperate gasps and coughs to recover oxygen - ...We know that here they have their own... rules, but that now... is going to change...

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