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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. Seventh Stage.
"The Encounters"

[Words: 1965]
[Duration: Long]

A sharp headache woke Vanessa.
Vanessa brought both hands to her forehead in a failed attempt to calm the migraine.
She opened her eyes blinking for several seconds, trying to remember what she had passed before. A flashback of Afton stabbing her came to her memory.

She tried to get up, but automatically fell back, moaning in pain. She touched with hand the injured area, noticing that her jacket was torn, and her shirt bloodstained and wrinkled.
She panicked thinking that she might bleed to death, but when then looked.
She was bandaged, and her wound was covered with her jacket which was torn and pressed against the painful wound to stop the bleeding, though not in the best way, at least it had saved her life.

She looked around trying to move as little as possible. She was alone, the rabbit had disappeared. Although she was still on the floor of the basement office, she could see that the door was open and the lock was broken and forced. Surely Afton managed to escape or they came for him, but then... Why was she there? Alone and bandaged?

She reached for her belt only to realize that she didn't have her flashlight, the security guard gun, even her faz-watch. She concluded that William had stolen them from her while she was unconscious.
She had so many doubts in her head.

Vanessa leaned on a nearby chair to try to get up. Her wound hurt too much, causing several tears to escape from her eyes. Quietly cursed the killer's name.

- HELLO?! - Exclaimed waiting for an answer, but nobody answered - Is anyone there?

She sighed in surrender when she realized that no one was listening to her. Where would her animatronic friends be now? Would they still be her friends after they tried to kill her? Was there anyone left to trust?

Awkwardly walked over to the desk with the various screens.
She sank down into one of the chairs, stifling a groan of pain. She gasped a couple of times between tears that threatened to fall, she was weak and dizzy, lost and alone.

The guard put her hands on the table, she had to be careful or the wound could open again and then, it would be a problem. She began to tremble with cold from the low temperature of the subsoil, her uniform jacket was now torn and unusable.

- Damn it... - Murmured, putting her hands to her face and resting the elbows on the table.

She rubbed her eyes because of the headaches.
Letting out a long sigh and then tried to turn on the computers, but as previously mentioned, they were not connected to the network.

She wanted to get out of there, but she didn't even have the strength to get up from the seat again.
Lowering her disappointed gaze, then she could see a drawer under the table. She hadn't realized it was there.

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