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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. First Stage.
"The Breach"

[Words: 1116]
[Duration: Short]

- Father... - Baby whispered towards his father, Afton only responded with silence.

The eldest advanced, leaving the other three behind. They had been walking for possibly more than 20 hours, they were psychologically exhausted, but finally in front of them was their destination, a huge shopping mall.
Afton approached to it to try to enter the establishment, but it was closed.

Meanwhile, the other three subjects watched from a distance.

- I feel that even though we've already talked, Afton still holds a grudge against me... - Baby whispered towards her partner, although a certain wired bear joined the conversation without consent.

- Shouldn't it be the other way around and you hold a grudge against him? - Lefty replied.

- Yo-You're wrong! - Exclaimed the male bear - Afton li-likes to think that he li-lives in a di-different dimensi-sion than ours, where w-we don't exist to torment hi-him, so he pra-practically can't hear-r us - Assured the bear with enthusiasm, the enthusiasm that was erased when instant.

- Do not be stupid Freddy, I am just ignoring you - Afton replied in the background, directing his gaze to the bear - With your unbearable voice, it is impossible not to hear you from miles.

Freddy went to answer, but a stealthy jet-black companion of those present stepped forward, shutting up the other. Lefty wanted peace for a moment, and if the two of them argued, she would get mad.

- It is closed... We might have to enter from another side - Afton continued, immediately afterwards he began to walk to disappear from the sight of the other 3 animatronics in search of an entrance to the premises.

Baby looked at the doors, approached these trying to break the glass that it had. It was a reinforced glass more resistant than usual, and breaking it might trigger the alarms calling the police. She believed that entering would be complicated, until in the background she heard the bear crawl through a ventilation duct near the ceiling, a few seconds later he had entered the interior, because his body made of wires gave him more agility and mobility than his companions.
Baby hit the glass to get the attention of the animatronic, he looked at her from inside and quickly slid away, leaving the girls outside.

- I hate him... - Lefty whispered, to which Baby could only snort in her mind.

Not far from that place, the rabbit looked for an alternative entrance that would allow him to get away from his annoying companions. He was lucky enough to find a window a couple of meters high, a jump was enough to reach the edge of it, but the lack of her left arm hindered his purpose.
After a second try and some more effort he managed to reach the window to force it open.

He carefully watched around his as he gingerly slid out of the window, landing on a nearby table before landing on the floor.
Everything was dark, which made it hard to see. Anyone would think that he would have night vision, he is a robot, but there was a problem with that, William was not a robot with a corpse inside him, he was a relatively dying person trapped in a robot.

He hissed in annoyance starting to walk away as his vision cleared in the dim light, there were arcade games with colorful patterns and very recognizable humanoid animal dolls.
Afton moved closer to get a better look at those drawings, one of which looked like an orange-brown bear with blue details.

- That is not very... Original... - He whispered, averting his gaze with disinterest.

He found the huge doors soon after, coming out of that room he could see where he was. It was a huge shopping center obviously, it had two floors and a huge central statue to which he paid minimal interest. His senses being further drawn to sounds above him, he lifted his head vaguely to look up at the ceiling, watching, with one glowing red eye, Molten Freddy stalking him.

- ....Do not even try it.... - Afton thought to himself, the bear hesitated a bit and then slowly slid across the ceiling in another direction. Afton felt harassed for a moment because of that robot.

It was then that he looked down from him to in front of him, and saw something staring at him... then he realized, Freddy wasn't looking at him, but at what was in front of him.
He was a boy, apparently eight or nine years old. What was he doing alone in this place?
Afton went to take a step when someone got ahead of him, Molten Freddy pounced, dropping from the ceiling in front of the little boy, he ran out the thousandths of seeing both robots.

- Yo-ou want him too, ri-right? - Freddy asked Afton, but got no answer.

The older one approached the bear grabbing his cables to force him to get closer to him. The lifeless gray gaze settled on the single bright eye of the carefree bear.

- DO NOT... COME CLOSE... TO MY VICTIMS - Ordered the eldest, pushing the animatronic to the ground with force.

Freddy fell like a sack of spaghetti. Although he quickly recomposed himself because his only body was cables and a mask, but it was enough to stop his murderous intentions...temporarily.
He could only watch helplessly as Afton silently walked away in search of the child.

- It's not f-fair to play dir-dirty Afton - Growled the bear, completely ignored his orders, and was going to make the hunt impossible, killing the boy before William. But first, he had to find it.

Afton had lost sight of the child, it was night and with everything turned off, the shadows were easily confused. Taking on the role of a killer robot when you walk blind at night is a difficult role when trying to show superiority to others.
That child was now his goal, to find him before his companions.

He searched for the boy room by room, under tables, behind arcade machines, under chairs and opening every door. Despite the premises being closed, the doors remained open, which confused the murderer a little, although that was not going to stop him, on the contrary, it gave him more freedom of movement.

Despite all his attempts and intensive search for him, the boy did not appear. He controlled from time to time Freddy and his companions who had finally managed to get in no matter how, they hadn't found the boy either.
He was starting to get irritated. What if the child had left the establishment? Perhaps he was searching in vain.
He continued his search, because that child was not the only thing he had come looking for. In the background he found some doors with a sign "Authorized Personnel Only".

He easily accessed these, believing they would be empty due to poor security. However, he was surprised to see that he wasn't the only one there.

- What the hell... are you?! - The security guard in question exclaimed when he saw Afton standing in the doorway.


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