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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. Third Stage.
"The Breach"

[Words: 1125]
[Duration: Short]

She was lucky, the two robots that threatened her life, started fighting each other for no apparent reason. She took advantage of that moment to run away, getting as far away as possible.

She knew that there was another security room not far from where she was, just had to hide to find out who those two machines were and why they had attacked her, not forgetting to mention that she had not known Gregory's whereabouts since he was spotted by the two mentioned above, she needed to find him to take him to a safe place before it was too late.

Her idea was to find the infant through the cameras or call him using her Faz-Watch to communicate with him. But, unfortunately when she tried to contact the child, the coverage seemed to fail momentarily, without any result, everything made her work difficult.

- Something is interfering with the line... - She murmured, confused by the sudden poor coverage of the premises.

She looked for the cameras, found Gregory through them, he was talking to a jet-colored bear when the wired animatronic appeared on the scene along with the other two subjects. Although the boy managed to hide in time, he was still in danger with that bear nearby.
She quickly recharged her flashlight and prepared to go out looking for the minor.

She took one last look at the cameras as she approached the door, it was flung open pushing the guard back.
She gasped in response, speechless. The golden rabbit from before abruptly walked through the door in a threatening manner, never taking its gaze from the expectant woman.

How had he known she was there?
When is he supposed to have been following her?

He was standing at the entrance preventing the escape. The guard quickly turned off the cameras to prevent the robotic rabbit from using them for his benefit.
Just and to the misfortune of both present, the light went out in the entire center, she swallowed saliva looking for the rabbit in the darkness, sharpening her vision, surprisingly, he was still there, at the door without moving a foot from the position. She turned on the flashlight to be able to see more clearly, lighting the opposite at the moment, which seemed to finally react to something, looking away blinded from the recent light.

She blinked in confusion, realizing the "weapon" she carried in her hands. The rabbit seemed to show weakness to the flashlight, bringing a hand to her eyes to avoid being blinded, to which the woman took courage at her act.

- Who are you? - She spoke more seriously showing superiority, even so the animatronic was not intimidated, because he did not even flinch at the guard's tone of voice.

He took several slow seconds to respond, a growl came from the robot's mouth, the light didn't seem to please him. Seeing that she didn't get answers, she opted to turn off the flashlight, but still alert to be able to use it again against the rabbit.
The aforementioned regained his composure by being able to refresh his vision again.

- ....Do not... do that again.... - The rabbit warned - ....I have not plan to... harm you...

- And do you think I'll trust you that way? - The woman jumped - You tried to kill me! - She took a more defensive stance in front of him.

-... I have not attack you...- He vaguely raised his eyes, clearly spewing lies without worries -... But... you have shot me endlessly... That may hurt me for days... - His voice cracked as if it were dying out for seconds. She wondered how hard it was for him to talk.

- You didn't answer my question... - She murmured suspiciously. Something about that rabbit made her skin stand on creating shivers all over her body.

He bowed his head again in silence, the guard kept wondering what he thought so much, staying so quiet and firm, unconcerned...

- ... Afton... William Afton...- Whatconvinced him to give his identity? It was one of the many questions the guard had.

- Af..ton? William Afton? - The security guard repeated in a low voice, almost in a whisper. The opposite looked up slightly from her responding to his name - It's impossible.. Mr. William Afton died years ago...

"I think we are not understanding each other..." It was what the rabbit thought, but he clearly wasn't going to give her thoughts so openly to her.

- I would l-like that...- He murmured but was interrupted by the opposite.

- Are you trying to play a joke on me? Because it's not funny - She raised her voice taking courage without believing the robot's words. How did you justify when he lied and when he told the truth? - First you went for the boy scaring him, then you threw yourself at me to scare me, then that bear with cables that I don't know where it came from, and now you come to me with that plastic suit saying you are William Afton? Afton died more than forty... years ago...

Her voice weakened to silence, his eyes widened, his blood turned cold as she witnessed the rabbit use his hand to lift the upper part of his scraptrap mask, revealing the rotting corpse of the man who, years ago, was the co-founder of Freddy's.

The words evaporated, not knowing how to respond, the guard only remained silent watching as the rabbit closed his mask again to cover his face. Due to the silence of the girl, the aforementioned took the opportunity to take the turn to speak.

- ...It is a long story... Ev-Everything has happened so fast... - He managed to properly place the animatronic suit, to later fix his gray gaze on the girl's eyes, who seemed to pay all her attention and at the same time wish run away from that place -... Here where you see... Blood, wires, cables, entrails... an unfortunate tr-trapped in one of his own creations and devoured by the desire for the slaughter... Are you aware... how m-much I... had to suffer inside this heap of rusty tin...?

The guard swallowed hard, processing the information, she didn't know whether to ask, she didn't know whether to speak or what she should say. Fortunately for her, the opposite continued with the conversation.

-... We had been t-together for years, with confidence... we were great friends... but I shall not have let myself go... Because of him, now I am what I am... - His voice became calmer and safe, but at the sight sinister and dark - ... But I do not have to worry, because I will come back... I always come back... And you will have to come with me, Miss Vanessa.

He ended up reading her name on the plate of the security guard suit. She hesitated at times, not wanting to accept, but the rabbit, swift and true to his name, responded faster to the woman's doubts.

- And no.. It is not a question. That is an order...

His eyes darkened. Did she have a way out at this point?


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