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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 6

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Chapter 6. Sixth Stage.
"New Reborn"

[Words: 2600]
[Duration: Extensive]

She stood on the sidelines, not looking the people in the face.
Between the quick pace, only a few hours passed since she left the mall behind.

She reached into the pockets of her jacket accompanied by a hood that subtly hid her appearance.
Vanessa pulled out a phone, not very innovative, but not very old-fashioned either.
She stopped near a crossroads in the crowd, looking at her phone to check the address.
Put the device away before it could be snatched from her hands and looked around for signs that would mark her location.
She resumed her walk without waiting much longer.

"Continue straight"

The guard nodded silently in obedience. She cut through some alleys to stop suddenly, she turned around checking her back, she felt watched.
The woman adjusted her hood and took out of her pockets a brown and white rabbit mask, placed it over her own face to avoid being recognized in case someone saw her.
She returned to the path until she reached a fairly large house, surrounded by a fence that was not very difficult to jump, once inside she approached the home.
She rang the bell expecting an answer, but no one came.
After a couple of minutes with no reply, she secured around her so no one would see her, brought one of her hands to her hair searching inside the hood.
She took out a hairpin, slightly lifted her mask and bit down to deform the object.
She inserted the contraption through the keyhole until a sound seemed to subside.
The door opened without further complication and the woman entered the interior of it.

The woman silently walked around looking for signs of life, realizing that the house was empty and for its state, appeared to be quite old or neglected.
That was strange to her, she was in the presumed home of a deceased person, and the house was under lock and key, wondering if anyone still lived there.

- Excuse me, that's breaking and entering - A male voice sounded behind her.

A flashlight pointed at the woman, illuminating her, she turned to face the present.
He was a man, he appeared to be an adult but not old yet, he wore police guard clothes and a cap partially covering his face and hair, possibly working with civil security in the city.
He had been following her, she supposed he was good at hiding so she wouldn't notice him.

- I just came to see a friend - The woman lied with the intention of convincing the man, but he did not hesitate.

The suspicious appearance of the girl raised a lot of concern to the agent.

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