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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 6

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Chapter 6. Seventh Stage.
"New Reborn"

[Words: 1500]
[Duration: Medium]

He was bewildered and lost, not knowing where he was at the moment.
The white ground and the gray background with a degradation that became darker and darker until it reached black.

Gregory spun on his heel trying to get his bearings, but it was all empty.
For some reason he felt his body light as a feather, without pain, without the ability to feel absolutely anything, and an immense peace ran through his soul completely.

- Don't be scared - Spoke a soft female voice, Gregory recognized instantly.

Like the voice of an angel, her appearance scared the eye.
Charlie was in front of him again, but the boy was unable to utter words, only being able to listen.

- We have the ability to communicate with souls - The girl spoke approaching the boy.

Gregory tried to back away, but his body refused to obey, freezing him to the spot.

- It's my fault that you're like this - Charlie clarified, he frowned at her words - I could have avoided it and I didn't, but it wasn't my intention either.

What was she referring to?

- Can you be more specific? - Gregory finally asked, but she just shook her head.

- I am only allowed a few words, a slight communication, a conversation in itself is too much - The girl explained with a calm and appeasing voice.

The boy looked carefully at the girl.
She had brown eyes as well as her long hair, wearing a knee length black and white striped dress.
Her gaze looked calm and innocent, but behind those irises, a monster lurked with dark and apathetic ends.

- Listen carefully - She pronounced calling his attention. - You had nothing to do with it, and I'm sorry that all this happened like this... But I'm going to need your help once again...

- Who are you? - Gregory asked with a waver in her voice.

- When you hear the voice, don't hesitate to follow it - Were the young woman's words, the boy didn't understand what she meant. - I have to go..

- Wait! - He shouted. - I don't understand! What voice are you referring to?

- You'll know when you hear it - She disappeared as everything around went dark. - It may be the last time we see each other, so I trust you, Gregory...

- Can I at least know your name? - He was in shock, confused by all the information he had to process while the light went out completely.

Before everything succumbed to the shadows, he managed to faintly hear the girl's voice.

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