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╔═════════════════╗Chapter 4

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Chapter 4. Third Stage.
"The Encounters"

[Words: 1450]
[Duration: Medium]

It was only a few hours before dawn.
While the glamrocks chatted in the rooms of the Rockstar Row, in the vents a little Musicman had difficulties to function in the jaws of Molten Freddy.

- I'm not g-g-give you c-control again... - The bear spoke, dropping the small and shattered robot.

- Let me take control? But if you do absolutely everything! - The canine protested.

- Y-You handle the mob-bility, and I-I the co-communication, Bal-Ballor-ra the extra-senses! - He yelled angrily - We had th-the boy in f-front of us, b-but you decided to r-run away! L-Like the coward t-that you are-e...

- Coward?! Lefty was there! Didn't you see her?

- W-What does she matter?! We-we're a team, we m-must all go together!

- Freddy, you're the only one who's on his own - Foxy growled.

- Enough - The tertiary interrupted - Don't you understand, Freddy? If Lefty is loose... It means the rest are too.

- Ballora is right - Foxy continued - The boy is easy to catch, but Afton is not...

Freddy remained silent before his companions, an idea came through his cables.

- We cocould use the b-boy to our f-favor - The bear spoke, the other two paid attention - Afton al-also w-wants him, it's th-the perfect b-bait...

- If we catch Afton using the kid, we can kill them both! - Exclaimed the fox.

- We c-can finish off A-Afton, but if Baby in-interferes... - Freddy was discouraged when he remembered the rabbit's bodyguard.

- Not only her... - Ballora interrupted - Those brilliant animatronics are also an obstacle...

- I-If we split-up, they won't be able to with all of u-us at the same time - The bear answered, Molten grabbed the broken Musicman - Even so, B-Baby it's still a pr-problem...

- But we have Lefty on our side! - Foxy encouraged very convinced - Or rather... Marionette!

- Marionette is a double-edged sword... - Ballora whispered in a soft but cold voice - We don't have much time left either...

Foxy and Freddy remained silent in confusion, Ballora just sighed to continue talking.

- Magnetoreception - Ballora began to speak - A magnetic field is the influence of electric currents, and electricity is heat... So it not only acts as a magnet, but it is also progressively consuming our remnant...

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