4 - 𝐈𝐬𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧 ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵗʷᵒ

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As the wonder filled children stumbled up the stairs, they gazed off to the side, seeing the beautiful ivory birds swoop by, they chirped in a meaningful manner.

Vouno looked towards the gloeing child again.

"Agapi, what do you think these children are?" He said just before reaching out to the child and holding the sparkling dissolvation of it. He smeared the dust around his hand, feeling almost healed as he placed his fingers on the glow.

Agapi breathed in the freshness of the air.

"From what i know, they are called Winged Lights, they oower our energy, making our capes allow us to fly," Agapi queried.

The two took flight again, soaring along the coast of the deserted beach. They were flying over thick fluffy clouds. It was windy as they dived around in the air, they took deep relaxing breaths of it.

They soon landed silently on the soft grass, ahead of them was a small castle like structure, a bell rung loudly from above it.

They both tiptoed inside, peering around edges. There was a small hallway with more of the murals painted on the walls, with cakes of candles planted along the bottom. They felt energized as they walked past the candles.

"These candles, maybe thats part of our power," Vouno suggested.

"So it is, they, and the winged lights energize us, now, lets open the door with those candles," Agapi rushed towards a row of thick red candles and picked uo two gently.

She passed one to Vouno, he gave a nod of thanks, they stood infront of the giant door, it was engraved with two people lifting a twisted boat, as they placed their candles to the diamond in the boats, it shot up into the air, startling the kids.

They stared in astonishment as the crumbling door slowly pushed open.

Without notice, the crimson candles in their hands dissolved into the air, yet they were still there.

Vouno lifted his hand into the air high, guesturing a high five, Agapi chuckled under her breath and jumped high in the sky and slammed her hand across Vounos, leaving a stingy yet funny pain in their hands.

"Ow! how are you so strong?!" The two laughed.

High five.


They stepped forward arm in arm, and kneeled down infront of a tall statue of a figure with a long thin staff, like a snake.

White flashed between their eyes.

In the darkness, a tall man stood up and dragged his hand across his broken mask, he looked disappointed that half of it was missing, he held the giant staff from the statue.

He spotted the children with candles infront of them. Agapi made a hand guesture, welcoming the lost looking man towards them.

He had a long beard, it reminded Vouno of the counciler at home. He lost his grin to the memory.

The old man lowered his staff to the light of the candles and threw it into the air. The staff lit up and flashed in mid-gravity.

little peices of broken rock from below levitated up to the mans face and stitched together his mask.

The man smiled deeply and happily, he looked down at the beaming children and nodded in approval, yet no-one knows of what. Maybe it was meant as a thankyou. Maybe it was meant as a goodbye. No-one knows.

 No-one knows

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A white flash happened again. When the children woke up, the old statue was now upright, and its eyes glowed.

Vouno grinned again, he looked at Agapi who was already jumping uo and grabbing onto the shocked boys hand

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Vouno grinned again, he looked at Agapi who was already jumping uo and grabbing onto the shocked boys hand.

The dashed off into the opening door behind the statue. The light beamed in their eyes.


Goodbye Isle of Dawn.


☀︎︎𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍☀︎︎                      𝑠𝑘𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑙Where stories live. Discover now