12 - 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝ᵖᵗ.ᵗʷᵒ

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"Agapi! Agapi come on! Agapi!" Vouno whispered panicking. He had no choice in the end but to catch her body in his arms and run away holding her.

He was so scared of the beast that he didn't even feel the weight of Agapi or anything else, all that mattered right now is that the menacing blue spotlight didn't catch them.

Vouno's heart was racing, it seemed then that Agapi came back to reality.

"those things are called Ghost Mantas, if they catch us then they'll take our lights. We need to stay together when around them," She said clinging onto Vouno's neck trying to breathe again.

The children hid behind a pillar holding eachother, Vouno peeked round the edge of it to see if the beast had gone, thankfully it went the other way.

He looked back at Agapi, his face beamed red realising the position they were in, her arms were wrapped around his neck and he was leaning into her against the pillar.

He quickly fell off and apologised, trying to hide his blush peeking through the cracks of his mask.

Agapi herself was blushing, but they both brushed it off and began to dash across the bricks in the water and hide behind more pillars or slabs of rock.

The creature would fly past them, and they would hold their breath as the blue spotlight would appear right next to their quivering bodies.

They quickly made it to the next part of the shelter. A small ramp led up to the top of the rest of the broken Palace.

Vouno began to run up the ramp, but got pulled back down by Agapi under it.

"What's wrong wha-"

Agapi covered his mouth with her hand and pointed above them with the other.

Vouno looked up to see the dark creature crawl right over the ramp, the blue spotlight hovered past the children slowly, the creaking and growling sounds of the beast made their hearts race in fear.

After it finally left their sight. They grabbed onto eachother and dashed up the ramp into safety.


They both sighed with relief. The tension built between them and the environment of the Golden Wasteland could kill them.

They walked across the bumpy tiled to find a whinged light hiding in the corner of the room.

They both reached out their hands to it and the golden dust finally brought warmth to their small bodies.


Next to the tiles was yet another mountain of sand. They started to gently slide down it, when Agapi's head suddenly felt clouded, she fell.

"Agapi!" Vouno yelled chasing after her as her body tumbled down the hill.

Agapi flipped over onto her stomache and tried to push her body up.

Vouno rushed down to her and attempted to lift her up, but she pushed him off.

"I'm fine Vouno, it's fine," she forced her body up and walked away.

Vouno gripped onto his hair. He didn't know what to do anymore. She was not well, but he couldn't tell if she was just exhausted, or something was really wrong.


He followed her down the hill to find them by a big gate, there was a crystal outside at the front

A/N at the end*

Vouno held his candle towards the crystal, it began to glow golden in the middle but still the moldy green surrounded the rest of it.

The gates began to open. But it was when they heard the growling behind them. They slowly turned around in fear to see three Ghost Mantas and their deadly spotlights heading their way.

The children began to panic and scram, up the stairs and into the gates, it was moments before the creatures had followed them into the hallways when the gates closed thrashing off one of their tenticles causing a death ending screach.

Vouno and Agapi held eachother close taking deep breaths.

"Surely that wouldn'tve made you fall haha," Vouno chuckled, he wanted to set the mood like it used to be.

Agapi giggled too, "... Yeah. Maybe."

Maybe? What does she mean?


The elder statue they encountered held a shield and spear, he looked as a mighty warrior would do, perhaps he helped the children escape the Ghost Mantas.

They sat on their knees again and closed their eyes gently.


The children looked around, where was the elder? Suddenly, a big man with a giant spear and shield landed beside them, making the ground shake.

They watched him jolt the air and toss his spear from one arm to the other. But he slipped off his spear and fell to the ground. His poor face looked as if he felt hopeless.

Vouno noticed how his staff seemed to be dimming. So he lowered his candle to the rim of the point.

The elder looked at Vouno in the eyes through his thick mask. And lifted himself up onto his feet with his mended staff.

Agapi bowed down in respect hiding behind Vouno.

The elder bowed back to both of them. And sent the children back to real life.


They woke up.

"You know all of the Elders have names," Agapi stated, looking over to Vouno.

The boy looked over at her, "Tell me them," he said, holding out his hand as he stood up.

Agapi smiled and took his hand, they walked towards a blue hallway as the girl went through various statements.



Sorry I missed out a section of the Golden Wasteland! I wasn't sure what to write about this scene

And i aim to have around 800-900 per chapter and adding this scene would add on too much words.

Sorry for any inconvenience as this will probably happen in the following chapters too but I will try to add all sections of the realms! ♡︎

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