5 - 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒⁿᵉ

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With tired arms from flapping their glowing capes, the two children stepped onto a vibrant green platform coated with fresh grass fileed eith water droplets as if it just rained there.

Ahead of the platform was a humungous white cloud with a welcoming hole in the middle, those white birds swam through the air into the clouds.

Without warning, Agapi leaped off the ledge dragging the shocked Vouno with her.

They flew through the clouds, blending in with the tweeting birds.

After the maze of clouds, they landed on a path of dirt and grass, ahead of them flew golden and rainbow butterflies, swarming around a big dome at the end of the field. The place was much more colourful than the Isle of Dawn.

The children stared in awe.

"Oh my god this is beautiful," Vouno chuckled, they began to travel down some steep hills, almost slipping, the smell was fresh and warm. "I wonder why it's so different here compared to the last place," he wondered.

"Every new realm in Sky is different, this place is called the Daylight Prairie," at this point, Agapi sounded like a wise man.


The children gathered up more winged lights, shivering as the energy flashed through their body. Warmed their bodies up by the cakes of candles and flew up to a small enterance.

They gasped in awe, it was pure beauty.

There were three small islands floating on the clouds. Each little area of land held a sort of temple, they were very small, and had small openings at the bottom with dry candles. And the top was a rusted up machinary piece, maybe the candles would bring its colour and purpose back to life.

Confidently, the children lept forward towards the first island, they traveled up the small gravel path and lit the cold candle, sparking its flame, as the fire touched one another, the rust of the machinary dissolved into thin air, revealing a shiny golden clockwork piece. It run loudly and vividly, then spun around like it was turning cogs of a clock.

Vouno and Agapi understood the task of this place and soared off again to rebirth the other clock pieces.

Along the road, Vouno asked a question curiously.


"I know that there are alot of children at home, but how come I have never seen you?" He gazed into her shocked face.

"Well, my light is quite new actually, I only woke up at our home recently. I have no idea why I got chosen,"

"You've only been here for a while and you know a whole lot more about this mission then I do haha, I think we're gonna survive because of your knowledge !" Vouno teased.

They lit up the second island, the clock spun round.

Agapi didn't smile, she frowned nervously and looked at the ground.

"There is something else you need to know about this mission," She started after gulping down her worrying look.

"I know, i know, the Ghost Mantas. The deadly black creatures that look like mortified shrimps. In the books they don't even look that bad, it'll be fine," Vouno inturrupted.

Agapi was about to speak, but she swallowed away her words, "Yeah, that," she said instead.

Little did Vouno know, he should've listened to what she had to say.


They lit up the third island, the clock piece spun round. All three bells rang loudly in a sequenised pattern.

From below the clouds under the islands, a giant beautiful creature emerged, it was white all over and had a golden tail and golden tips of its wings and face. Its call was soothing.

"Oh my god." Agapi was in shock.

"A light Manta!"

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