17 - 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞

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The next thing Vouno knew, he was falling. His body was grey, he was falling down a black abyss.

Am i dead?

The boy softly landed on the ground. Yet he still couldn't see anything.

He pushed his boney body up onto his knees and looked around, a bright light was facing him.

Vouno crawled up and causiously walked towards it.

It was a child curled up in a ball, he looked up to see Vouno staring down at him.

"Alef?" Vouno whispered.

The boy gazed at him. "Yes?"

Vouno ducked down to his face. "What happened to Eden? What happened to you?"

Alef ran his fingers along the ground. "Resh took my light away, and trapped me here. I don't know what's happened to Eden,"

Vouno felt his stomache drop. "Where is Resh now?"

"I don't know," Alef replied.

He lifted his little hand.

Vouno slowly took it and pulled the boy upwards.

He was scrawny, no Cape, no mask, nothing, just his body.

Vouno hesitated, he walked into the boy and hugged him tight, the boy held him back.

Alef felt water fall down onto his back. Vouno wiped his face as Alef pat his back gently.

"Did Resh make you come here?" he asked emotionlesly.

Vouno gasped, "Yes, he made me lose a very good friend of mine too,"

Alef looked upwards, "I'm sorry. You must be sad. But I'm glad he made you come. Your very kind,"

Vouno laughed over his tears as he thought of Agapi playing her piano.

"Thankyou Vouno," Alef whispered.

The boy began to glow brighter and brighter.

Vouno pulled away and looked at him.

"Wait, how did you know Vouno was..."


"my name?"

Alef was no longer there, instead, Vouno was on a slab of rock facing the sea.


Was he home?

He looked to his side, the gate to Eden was still open, but now it had a glowing barrior, so none of its darkness could enter the realm of sky.


The boy slowly turned around, he was home, the sky children and tutors were in a long crowd looking at him.

They all began to scream cheering for the boy prancing around glad he was home.

The councilor in the red poncho and long swaying hair ran towards him and wrapped her arms around him.

She ducked down to his level and looked into his surprised  face.

The two other councillors walked towards him and stood around him.

"You did it Vouno! You both did it!" the red caped councilor yelled over the children.

Vouno didn't smile, he felt himself begin to tear up again.

".. Where's Agapi?"

The children stopped cheering, a small murmur went around as they tried to spot the girl.

☀︎︎𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍☀︎︎                      𝑠𝑘𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑙Where stories live. Discover now