15 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧ᵖᵗ.ᵒⁿᵉ

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It was so cold. Both of the children's body's felt like ice. Their noses and cheeks were red. Agapi tried to cover Vouno with her cape as he forced himself up the rocky hill whilst holding Agapi on his back.

A tall door stood in front of them. It had five small crystals painted around the edge of it. Below the door on the ground, were five rocks with the dark gems on them.

Vouno lifted Agapi higher onto his back, holding her with one arm and reaching his candle out for the crystals with the other.

"I'm s-sorry V-Vouno I'm sorry," Agapi whimpered.

Vouno turned his head to look at her as he lit the last gem.

"Why?" he asked

"Because y-you have to carry me. I don't want to h-have to make you d-do that," She wrapped her arms around his neck more, burying her face into the scruff of his Cape.

Vouno watched the door open slowly, rocks and debris crumbled down from it, he lifted Agapi once more and started to walk through it.

"Its ok, don't worry, your n-not heavy, i can h-handle it. Your too w-weak to walk. I can do it,"

Agapis face flushed a pale pink as she smiled into the boys neck.


The long path was cold and hard, the rock stuck out from the ground, if one of the children were to fall off the edge, they would be badly injured.

Red crystal shards stuck out of the ground. Crimson partials emitted off of them, they flew in the blazing wind and stabbed Vouno and Agapi in their weak arms.

The pain wasn't able to be described. Vouno picked up the pace to run past the crystals, his arms felt burnt. Yet this was only the start of Eden.

Agapi coughed once again, trailing more blood in her hands. She felt her heart beat begin to race. Vouno sighed.

"Try to sleep some more OK?" he suggested, hoping that would help her a bit.

She nodded quickly and rested her head again. Vouno stumbled across the rock trying to find shelter where they could rest a while. Yet he was out of luck.

Vouno began to panic, he didn't think they were ready for Eden, it truly was horrible here. The storm looked like I was getting stronger, it glared down at the children and Vouno stared up into the abyss.


They made it to a taller slab of land and slid their bodies in between a gap in the rocks.

Vouno lifted Agapi higher up his back as they stumbled into what seemed like a room filled with burning lanturns, a winged light stood at the exit of the room. The children regained their energy from it and began to head forward again.


Now the sky was red, it was freezing and the wind burned Vounos eyes and lungs. Agapi was holding onto him for dear life, he could feel the girl shaking on his back.

In the distance Vouno could see the dark creatures hovering over long broken pipes around a globe near the end of this area

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In the distance Vouno could see the dark creatures hovering over long broken pipes around a globe near the end of this area.

As Vouno ran to hide behind a spiked rock, boulders and debris came raining down from the sky snapping pieces of rock off their shelter and rolling down the hills.

Vouno looked around the corner as the rocks stopped charging towards them.

"Ok if we get to the next part of shelter, we should be able to dodge the rocks!" he yelled over the roaring wind.

Once they made it through the maze of charging boulders, the children found themself in a widened pipe.

They were safe there for a while, Vouno placed Agapi against the wall of the pipe and tossed some hair out of her face, she was clutching her stomache and breathing heavily.

Vouno sat in front of her. "Agapi. For this next part, I cannot carry you, we need to fly to get up there but I can't with you on my body. So do you think you can hold my hand and try to fly beside me?"

Agapi hesitated and nodded anxiously.

The boy lifted her up onto her feet and took her hand. Vouno began to carefully walk forward out of the tube.

There was a mountain of rocks in front of them. But to dangerous to climb, so they had to fly over it.

Vouno began to flap his wings and lifting Agapi into the air holding her scrawny wrist. He leant forward as they nearly made it to the surface.

As the creature arrived.


The long black beast hovered right in front of them. The black particals spat all around them as the children shudered in fear.

A blue spotlight appeared from the beasts single eye and landed on the children. Before they new it, the spotlight turned red.

The creature slowly rose its upper body into the air keeping its gaze on the children.

Vouno felt as if he couldn't move. Agapi tried to run but she couldn't.

Vouno flapped his wings once more and lifted himself and the girl to get away from the spotlight, they dashed forward behind the monster and flew and flew but the red spotlight followed them with their every movement.

A horrid deafening screech came from the beast as it began to dart towards them.

Agapi spun round clinging onto Vounos hand.



Before they new it, their hands were separated and they were rolling down opposite sides of the hill.

The beast hit them.

☀︎︎𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍☀︎︎                      𝑠𝑘𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑙Where stories live. Discover now