9 - 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐡ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒⁿᵉ

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"I feel cold, but the sun is out," Agapi whimpered as the children flew above the pink clouds.

"I don't think the Valley is much further, look! I see something!" I fact Vouno saw a small alter with golden patterns spiralling up it. It's base was surrounded by snow.

And yet Agapi was right, the sun was shining, but there was snow and ice everywhere.

When the children landed, They noticed how the alter was abandoned, it was in ruins, pieces of debris and rubble lay on the ground.

"What happened to it?" Vouno asked walking around it.

Agapi felt the cold metal.

"No-one's been out here for years, I bet there wasn't this much snow before,"

Next to the building was a long snow slope, it looked as if they had to slide down it.

Confidence filled Vouno as he linked hands with Agapi and ran towards the slope.

They skidded down the snow faster then they had ever been, leaping from one mount to another, through the sound of crunching snow and gliding ice. It didn't feel so cold anymore, their bodies had adapted to the temperature.

After what seemed like a rollbar coaster of sliding, they glided off a tall mountain, flying in the air. Their eyes where wide and mouths were grinning beneath their masks.

Once they finally landed and their moth coloured capes stopped fluttering in the wind. They were on a heap of snow in the middle of a dome of ice.

"was there any rules that we couldn't have a bit of fun during our mission?" Agapi said, smirking as Vouno glanced at her.

Vouno smirked back.


"WooooooHooooooo!!!!!!!" The two kids screamed as they slipped and slided countlessly around in the circle of the ice. They had skated around it so many times that it left marks where their feet where.

Vouno raced off ahead of Agapi, she slowed down to catch her breath.

She began to feel a small lump in her chest, she coughed a little into her hand.

What was that??

On her hand, it was red.

"Come on Agapi! We better get going!"

Agapi swallowed the lump. She wiped her hand on her Cape as she slid towards him.


They trudged over another snow filled bridge into another cloudy roofless hallway. It took them to a beautiful golden palace, left in ruins but surrounded by colour and light mantas.

Agapi began to jump up and down

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Agapi began to jump up and down.

"What's wrong?" Vouno chuckled.

Agapi dug into her capes pockets and pulled out a peice of parchment paper that read.

Have a light manta accompany you...

"This was the wish that I picked! We can have a manta to fly around this place!"

Vouno stuttered, before he even got to talk, Agapi lifted the paper to the air and clenched her eyes shut. The paper disintegrated into her hands leaving golden dust, like the winged lights.

Within seconds, a cloud of golden appeared in front of her. Forming into a beautiful ivory manta with golden tips.

"Oh my god Vouno look!!!" Agapi yelped in excitement.

Vouno was lost for words too, he smiled as Agapi hopped onto its back and pulled Vouno along with her.

He placed his hands around her waist and held tight. He could tell that she was going to go wild on this creature. Agapi placed her hands on top of his.

Beneath his mask, Vouno felt his face turning red.


The manta dashed around the golden statues and dipped in and out of the clouds.

Vouno looked around the ruins.

"You know what I've realised?" he asked.


"Time doesnt move here."

"What do you mean?" Agapi spun her body round so they were both sitting sideways on the manta.

"We've been away from home for a week or two now, but it's never become night time. Not once,"

Agapi thought deep. "Oh yeah! I've never noticed that. Time is weird outside of home. I've also noticed how we haven't become hungry yet,"

"Two weeks with no food, haha, we must be superheroes!" Vouno lifted his fist to the air as if he was flying like a superhero.

Agapi giggled. He looked at her and smiled.

The manta landed by a staircase merging from the clouds. By the staircase was another small temple.

The children hopped off the manta, Agapi gently kissed the top of its head and it flew away.

Agapi was about to take Vounos hand again, but placed it above her mouth instead, realised that she was going to cough heavily again.

Vounos smile dropped as she wheeze into her hands.

"Hey what's wrong? Are you OK?" he walked towards her holding his arm out incase she needed to go to him.

Agapi looked into her hand. More of the red stuff was there, but it wasn't so dry this time. It was liquidy.


"I'm fine Vouno, don't worry, let's go," Agapi began to walk up the stairs clenching her fists.

Vouno stared in astonishment.


☀︎︎𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍☀︎︎                      𝑠𝑘𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑙Where stories live. Discover now