Chapter 2

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Alex's POV

        I woke up again and see a doctor walk in not that long later. "You can leave, you weren't badly damage," he says. I nod before he left the room so I can change into my clothes that are off to the side. When I was done I signed myself out before I walked to my house. I get there and it became a nightmare almost immediately.

"WHERE WERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" my dad yells making me flinch.

"Now, honey don't be rude we have guests" my moms voice speaks up from behind him. I look up to see Ty and his parents sitting down on the couches.

"Why are they here," I ask and Ty looked down so I couldn't see his face. "Because I invited them over honey, so don't be rude either" mom says giving me a look that says just listen. I sigh before I walk up the stairs and into my room. I open my laptop as I sit down on my chair. I started up Minecraft and started to play one of my favorite mine-games when I hear a knock at my door.Forgetting that Ty was here I tell who ever is at the door to come in. I was still playing minecraft when Ty entered my room.

"What do you want" I ask before getting annoyed at the game cause I died.

        "I came to say sorry for everything, but when I found out about them I couldn't resist...can I show you something on the computer" he asks. I look up and I could tell that he really had to do this, so I got off of Minecraft before giving him my laptop which isn't even mine if I forgot to mention that before. He typed something in and clicked on a few things before he showed me the screen.

        "This is why I wanted to join them". Of course they had a YouTube channel and all the guys were there. I looked at how many subs they had and they had a lot of subs. I clicked on one of their videos and they were playing Minecraft. Then I heard them talking about me, Ty even stood up for me then I heard something I quite didn't understand.

"Ty, you actually stood up for me" I said while looking at Ty.

"Ya i did since ya know, we were friends and I want to be friends again" he said."And if you want to watch any of my channels just search up Deadlox" he said with a wink. He left the room and I smiled to my self.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Time Skip^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

        I wake up with the morning sun in my eyes. I get up and get ready for school. I head out with a pop tart in my hands. This time I went straight to school and put my stuff into my locker. While my hand was in my locker someone slammed it on my wrist causing pain to go up my arm. I winced and turn around to see Mitch, the worst one of them all.

"Hey, ya know you can't skip out on your morning beatings, but this time it's just gonna be me and you, so it's going to hurt a lot worse" he said with a smirk, grabbing my wrist.

        "No one is gonna beat anyone up today" I look up to see a new kid looking straight at Mitch. Mitch lets go of my wrist and proceeds toward the new guy.

"What did you say, bitch," Mitch said. I turn around and  open my locker. I hear others chanting fight. I grabbed my stuff and went to first hour. but I didn't make it there being unseen. Jerome sees me and comes over. He punches me in the gut then in the face.

"That's what you get for getting Mitch into trouble," He said obviously annoyed.

"Whatever Jerome," I walked away, not even caring what they say. But deep down I knew it was true and the rumors made it worse. It starts to spread into my veins like blood.

I went straight home after school that evening. I walk into the house and nobody is home. I put my stuff next to the couch before going into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and stare at my wrist, the temptation getting too much. Without realizing what I did, I had made 3 cuts on my arm. It felt good. I went to the bathroom in a panic and put the cuts under cold water. I put a piece of cloth over them and secured it with 2 rubber bands. I went upstairs and got on the laptop. I get a Skype call almost immediately. It was from Ty, so I hesitated before answering.

"Hey Ty."

"Hey," he said.

"Hows it going," I said.

"Not well I haven't been feeling that good lately"He said.

"Oh okay,"I said. I then hear a door in the background making a look of panic across his face. I faintly hear a voice that sounds like Jasons not long after.

"I have to go see ya later," he said and ended the call.

I sat there for a little longer until I finally decide to get up. I put on my only pair of leggings and my moms tennis shoes and a tank top. I go outside and went for a jog. When I turned around to go home I noticed that someone was jogging on the other side of the street. I notice not long after that it was Adam. I looked straight and hoped that he didn't noticed me.

        I was getting into my lawn when I see a car pull into the drive way. It was a police car making me feel nervous. I walk over to them.

"Are you the daughter of Cecilia and Jerry Bradley," the guy asks.

"Ya." I said nodding.

"Well your mother and father did a major crime and so we are bringing you to live with a family friend of theirs."

"Who" I ask as a sinking feeling enters my gut.

"The Probst's," he said and I almost fainted.

"I will go get my stuff then, it won't take long,". I walk into my house and grab a bag and stuff my clothes and laptop in it before I head to my moms room, taking a few of her clothes.

        I go outside and the police officer brings me over to the nightmare house. He knocked on the door and Jason answers looking at the officer before he makes eye contact with me. He stares at me as he calls for his mom.

"Mom, a police officer is here," he yells into the house. Not that much later his mom appears in the door way.

"Oh come in dearie, Jason bring her stuff up into the guest bedroom," his mother said.

        I follow him up to the room that I will be staying in. When we get there he pushes me up against the wall.

"If you tell anyone that you are staying here, or if anyone even finds out unless I told them you are dead," he says before walking out of the room. I went over to my new knife collection and grabbed one, cut myself three times and did what I did to clean it up last time.

Bullied By My Old Friend {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now