Chapter 4~Edited~

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Alex's POV^^^^^^^^^^^^

I am going to Disneyland with Jason and his family. I really hope he doesn't hate me, otherwise I have no idea what to do.

"Oh, and by the way, Jason is bringing some of his friends along with, and if you want to, you can bring some of your friends with if you want," she says, and with that she closed the door and my heart sank. He had given me a necklace and now he's inviting his friends along with us to Disneyland, and I don't know what to do. I walk over to my desk and start looking at videos.

After an hour of watching Jacksepticeye videos, I search up Deadlox and clicked on his channel. I click on his newest video that was posted not that long ago. Great, he's with Adam and the rest of the guys. I wasn't paying that much attention to the talking until I heard Jasons' voice get serious. He said that he had an announcement for them.

"My mom said I can invite you guys to go with us to Disneyland, but you have to be everyone, so who's able to go?" he asked them. Everyone but Ian and Quinton could go.

"And I also have to tell you guys something else," Jason said. "Ya," the guys answer.

"Alex's mom and dad were sent to a place I won't say on camera, and my mom volunteered to take care of her for now, and she is also coming on the trip with us," Jason explains. Mitch and Jerome groaned in annoyance. With that the video cut out.

 I Skyped Ty who answers almost immediately. "Hey I saw the video you posted".

"Oh yeah, hey why didn't you tell me that you live there now".

"I don't know". There was a knock on the door to my room.

"Dang it, I gotta go," I said before I hung up on him. I walk over to the door and opened it to find Jason standing there.

"You need something?" I ask as I lean against the door frame.

"I heard you talking to Ty, and that you watched his video and then found out that there's only going to be five of us and only two will most likely bother you, but I came over to tell you that, but I guess you found out already," he rambled. He started to leave but I stopped him.

"Hey I've been wanting to tell you thanks for the necklace," I said before I closed the door.

I walk back over to the computer and looked at all the people that were in the video. I didn't know what their youtube names were. I looked at all of them until I came across one that looked interesting. It said Minecraft Universe. I scrolled through his videos and came across a vlog, clicking on it without looking at the thumbnail. Jason came into view. He started to talk about random stuff, but I got bored, so I exited the video before getting off the computer. I look at the clock where it said that it was only noon.

I go downstairs to grab a banana before I go back upstairs. When I finished eating the banana there was another knock at my door. I open it to see Jason. "Hi," I said in a questioning manner.

"Hi, I was just wondering if you wanted anything from the store as I am going on a trip there to get stuff for the trip," he asked. Remembering that I need more bandages I answer with a nod.

"Can I come with you cause what I need is kinda private," I say. "Sure c'mon," he says. I follow him as we walk downstairs and into the car. Jason turns on the radio before he backs out of the driveway. When we get there we head off in our own directions.

I go to the pharmacy part of the store where I start look at the bandages. After awhile I finally find the right ones and grab them. I head off towards the cashier and buy the bandages. I walk out to the car where I sit down against the tires to wait for Jason to come out. By the time he finally came out it was 12:45.

"Finally what took so long," I tease as I stand up. "Hey, I had a hard time finding the things I needed," he said as he unlocked the car. I open my car door and climb in.

The radio turns on because he forgot to turn it off. On the way home I sing to one song and that song was "part of me" by Katy Perry. When we got home Jason turned off the radio and then the car. "You have a nice singing voice," he said as we walk up to the door. "Thanks, I guess" I shyly said as I look down at the ground. We walked into the house and I went upstairs immediately. I went into my room and put my bag of bandages under my bed. I got up and went to my computer where I played a couple of games.

When I got bored playing one game, I looked at the clock to find that it was 4:57. I get up and go downstairs and walked into the kitchen to grab a plum. I ate it as I made my way to the park. I was walking through the park when someone tightly grabbed my arm. I turn around to see Mitch, Jerome, Ian, and Quinton.

"Why don't you do us all a favor and die," Mitch whispered, a flash of something in his eyes.

"You're taking up too much space on Earth for one person you're so fat," Ian snarled.

"You're killing birds by your ugliness," Jerome said.

"You smell just as bad as a rotting animal," Quinton growled.

They kept on telling me about how I shouldn't be on earth and all that. Finally they stop mentally hurting me as Mitch punches me in the gut before they left. I finally let myself cry. About 15 minutes of being curled up into a ball, I get up and walk to Jasons.

I get home, but I fall to my knees before I could even get to the door. I start to cry quietly, the emotions were just getting to be too much. I heard the door open and footsteps coming towards me. Then someone puts there arms around me and helps me stand up, helping me inside and up to my room. When the person sits me down on the bed, I look up to see Jason looking at me with a worried expression.

He stands up and calls someone. A few minutes later there's a knock at the front door. Jason gets up and leaves to answer it. I hear voices and then someone running up the steps really quick. The door opens and I see Ty come in. He came over and gave me a hug as he sits down next to me. I the tears start building up again as they flow heavier.

"Shh, it's okay their gone now," he said.

"It's not them, it's what they said," I whispered.

"What did they say?" he asks and I tell him everything that happened.


Jason's POV^^^^^^^

I sat by the door as she told the story to Ty. I knew she wouldn't tell the story to me because of what I have done in the past. I felt sorry for her, that's why I gave her the necklace. I had to admit she was kinda cute, but I couldn't have her, for one she doesn't even trust me, and two, I would lose all my friends except for Ty and Adam. When I hear her finish the story I get up and head to my room. I change into my pj's and laid in bed for a little bit. I then soon fell asleep.

Back to Alex's POV^^^^^^^^^

After I told my story to Ty he hugs me super close as the tears slowly stop. When I do finally stop crying, I hug Ty and got up.

"I want to go to bed," I said as I led him to the door.

"Wait, before I go I want to ask you if you want to go to cherryberry with me," he asked.

"Sure, how about around 1," I ask.

"Ok, see ya there," he said and gave me a quick hug. I smile to myself before I go back to my room where I get dressed in my PJ's and went to bed.

Bullied By My Old Friend {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now