Chapter 22

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Jerome's Pov

I was in my room until the door bursts open scaring me to death. I end up falling off my chair. I get up and look to see that it is Mitch who burst into my room. Of course.

"You scared me to death, Biggums" I said.

"Sorry, but I wanted your help with something" he says. I give him a quizzical face.

"Its about Alex" He said. Oh.

"Okay" I said. He closes the door and we get to work, we even got help from some of the other guys.


Alex's Pov

I was in my room when Adam comes in.

"Hey, everyone else is leaving to get some stuff so I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat with me and Jason" he asked.

"Sure, when are we leaving" I ask.

"As soon as you are ready"

"Well im ready now" I said standing up.

"Okay lets go" he says. We exit my room and we go down the stairs. We walk into the living room to see Jason on the couch watching T.V.

"Come on Jase, lets go" I said.

We get into the car and we decided to go to Dairy Queen.

We get ot Dairy Queen and instead of getting actual supper me and Adam got blizzards, he got a cotton candy one while I got a chocolate extreme. Jason got a cheeseburger and some fries which I secretly took a few. Shhh. Im really happy that its summer time. I then realize that school starts in two months. But hey we still have 2 months left. And also the fourth of July is coming up soon. I smile.

When we finish our food we go back home. Its only like 10 but when we walk in the place is dark. I hear something go off and then there are two red LED lights going through the house looking like a path.

"What is this" I ask and look beside me to find that Adam and Jason arent next to me anymore. I shrug and start walking down the path. It led me outside and then it goes out into a huge square. Just then some fireworks go off and I look up to watch them go off. I then see white in front of me to see that the square was light up now and there was a table in the middle. On the table was some of my favorite desserts, including chocolate. I smile.

Then Jason comes out of now where and goes into a dark area. The dark area lights up and its a DJ stand. He starts playing music. He started to play the song endstone but when Mitch is suppose to start singing I hear singing from the side instead of the speakers. I turn to see Mitch standing there singing. I smiled.

When the song finished he brought me over to the dessert table and we started eating desserts and talking. After a while He turns to me and grabs my hands. I look down and blush, I may have started to develop feeling for him.

"Alex, this probably isnt that romantic but...will you be my girlfriend?"

I just stand there with a big smile. I nod my head up and down. He leans down and he kisses me. I feel sparks.

"To be fair, that was a little romantic with the singing" I said when we part.

"Yeah, that was Jerome's idea" he said as everyone come out of the house.

"They all helped except for Quentin, he was too lazy" Mitch says.

"Even Ty" I asked suprised.

"Even me" Ty says from the crowd of the boys that I live with, well technically I live with Jason but they practically live with him this summer since his dad is on vacation this whole summer long and his mother was put into jail for what she did.I smile and my group of friends and boyfriend. That night we have fun playing around and having nerf gun battles, which by the way Mitch and I have won most of them with Jerome and Jordan winning sometimes.


Time Skip to when they start school---------------

Mitch's Pov

Alex and I walk up to the school doors, holding hands. We took a deep breathe and we headed into the school. Last year I was known to bully Alex and then over summer I become her boyfriend. Some people stare at us and some just dont even pay attention. I have most classes with her. Either way she has atleast one of us in her classes. Jordan also moved so he was going to this school. I have to say this was gonna be a very good year.



I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THIS RUDE reminds me of the ending of the giver but in this book, THERE MIGHT JUST BE AN ENDING!!!!!!!!!!

YAY or nah....



Alex: I dont know..

Lachlan and Preston: But I was barely ever in this book... :(

Me: OKAY OKAY, but it might be when Mitch and Jerome join the pack and I might put in some of the sidemen in it too...IF I DO

Okay so I will make another part to let you know if I will be doing this sequel but right now I am starting to make another book and its a Pack fan fiction and jsut like the 'sequel' I might add in the sidemen so if you go and read that story you get a heads up unlike the ones that read that instead/before this.... :)

So this is my last authors note on this for a while and I guess that I wasnt in the mood to make a huge happy romantic thing for you guys I just got bad news today..which I aint gonna tell you since it aint none of yo beezwax...thats an old one. Well see ya guys later.

Everyone: BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

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