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  Emergency sirens blared through the large building, staff running about to complete each step of the safety protocol. The siren that was sounding, along with the color of the flashing lights, indicated what code had been set off—there was a specimen breach on one of the LAB's floors. This code had never once happened ever since the barrier was broken, so of course, all the monsters in the building ran around like chickens with their heads cut off when the alarms sounded.

While one handful of monsters were being told to set the building on temporary lockdown, another were being told by one of the Royal Scientists herself to go get Dr. Gaster. It was the worst time for him to be out on a house call. Everyone ran around trying to get through their conflicting orders. Some monsters were trying to leave the building to go get Gaster, while others were taking out their phones to try calling him.

Not soon enough, the old skeleton was rushing down the hall—still dawned in his dark, non-work attire. He didn't bother with the elevators, seeing as it was an emergency, so he instead used his teleportation magic. In a flash, Gaster was on the floor where the breach code originated from. "Dr. Alphys?" He called out, approaching the reptile monster. She was looking flustered, panicked and frightened all at once. "D-Doctor G-Gaster-!"

"What happened? Why is there a Code 19!?" Gaster all but shouted. He was already raising his voice over to sound of everything happening, and now his voice was nearly bellowing due to circumstances. "The a-animatronic, i-it's-" Alphys stopped talking when she saw Gaster was no longer paying attention to her. He'd rushed to one of the containment rooms. The one it was kept in.

"Where... Where did it go?!" Gaster exclaimed, sounding more concerned than angry. "W-We d-don't know, i-it just v-vanished!" Alphys tried to explain. The skeleton's glance shot to her. "How did this happen?!"

"The s-security guards on sh-shift w-were unc-conscious when w-we c-called the c-code, Gaster!" Alphys told, pointing over to the small security room not far. It had a single window, showing other staff looking to be assessing the two security monsters. Gaster stifled a curse, completely lost on what to do. He took a second to collect himself.

"Right... I need people checking the cameras, and other combing every floor of this building. We need to find that thing, ASAP!" Alphys nodded, somewhat shakily. "O-On it!

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bon was simply staring off at some spot on the wall, as the Marionette re-read the list of instructions given him by Dr. Gaster. Originally, he was supposed to be joined by Gaster to check up on Bon—who had been sent home from the hospital not two days ago—but the skeleton got sent off for a sudden emergency. The reason for doing a house call, was just to ensure the bunny's SOUL was healing properly after having undergone what they guessed to be very significant trauma, while also making sure his suddenly developing magic wasn't having any problems.

At the moment, neither Dr. Gaster or Dr. Alphys had any idea what had happened with Bon's SOUL. It seemed weakened, as though a chunk of it were missing. As if something magically traumatic had happened to it. However, there wasn't any evidence of what exactly was the cause, since his SOUL was completely in one piece—no cracked chunks, or anything of the like missing. It was as though it were readjusting itself, trying to make up for the sudden loss of strength.

Then there was Bon's magic. There'd been no signs in the past that Bonbell had any magical capacities. However, when one of the doctors checked in on the bunny while he was still in the hospital, he'd walked in on him trying to do some kind of spell, seemingly, on himself. From what Gaster was able to deduce, the magic was in relation to SOUL magic. What kind, he wasn't sure yet, or even why it'd been dormant all this time. 

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