Jutsu gone wrong

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This is my sorry for deleting my other book 'The Journey Continues' Hope you enjoy

"Sakura you need to stop." Sasuke hissed at me. I snarled at the man.

"Get your grubby hands off of me Uchiha! I won't stop until I get her back!" He glared and gripped my wrist tighter.

"Are you fucking crazy? She's dead! Accept that!" He roared in rage. I looked at him.

"If you actually loved her you would try and get her back too. But then again all you've ever actually cared about was restoring your filthy clan!" I spoke venomously.

He visibly reeled back. "You take that back." It was low.

"Never. It's your fault along with the village's that my baby is dead! She was 13 Sasuke! 13! And you sent her off! Your brother would be ashamed. He was one of the only ones that wasn't a filthy bastard." Sasuke glared at and slapped me across the face.

"I'm leaving. Expect the divorce paper soon Uchiha." I hissed as I stood and ran off, ignoring the bastard's calls.

I made it to the lab Orochimaru had gifted me before his death and sealed the entrance. I had a test to run. I heard everyone trying to break in and stop me and rushed to the lab. Sarada's body lay preserved in ice a few feet away. I raised the large block onto the table and started.

I held Minato's flying thunder god jutsu notes. I was going to use the space time ninjutsu embedded into the notes to reverse time. I added a bit of lightning as a jutsu melted the ice at an alarming rate.

I began to see change. She was looking younger. And then the monitor went off, signaling a heartbeat. I cried in joy until the door blew up. My head turned to see Naruto and Sasuke. Their eyes were on the machine that they didn't know was keeping Sarada alive.

"NO WAIT!" Too late. Naruto's and Sasuke's attacked merged and slammed into the machine.

They both smirked until they saw the heart monitor failing. They went pale.

"Wait. You managed to-?" I cut Naruto off.

"YES YOU IDIOT! BUT NOW THANKS TO YOU SHE'S GONE AGAIN AND THIS TIME THE MACHINE WON'T WORK! THAT WAS A ONE SHOT CHANCE DAMN IT!" I sobbed as the heart beat fell flat. There would be no point in trying to save her.

I stood and walked to the broken, sparking machine. I touched the broken metal as hatred grew. They killed my baby again. I jolted as the sparks grew. My eyes widened and I tried to back away. I don't make it two steps before the base shook in an explosion, me being caught in the brunt of it. My back burned and my head felt light. My chakra was trying to heal me and failing. I managed to lower my eyes to my body.

My lower half was missing, a large shard of shrapnel buried an inch from my heart. I was going to die. I could see my face in the part of shrapnel that wasn't covered in blood. Half my face was only bone. The other half was scarred beyond recognition.

I whimpered as my heart finally stopped and ended my pain. I never got to see the agony filled faces of Naruto and Sasuke as they found my body and realized that they had been the cause of the explosion. They had killed her.

(Just to let you know pov switch to third person)

Kakashi cried over her grave weeks later, wishing he had stopped his students. Sakura had strayed down the path of darkness after her daughter died and Sasuke showed his true feelings- only loving her because she had good genes and a nice body. Never anything more.

Naruto blamed himself. Nothing could bring him out of his mood. But unknown to all, Sakura was not truly dead. As everyone gathered at her grave on the one year anniversary they froze. The world around them crumbled into nothingness as their reality was erased, to be rewritten.

Sakura herself was feeling odd. She had been floating in the darkness of the shinigami's stomach for over a year, talking away with the past Akatsuki and Madara. They had all been shocked to see how she had turned out. Especially when she mentioned the close uncle-neice bond she had formed with Orochimaru.

When Kaguya joined them, their souls had merged a bit. Her parents tried to get close to her in the afterlife but were pushed away by the others who had seen them starve the girl as a child to try and keep the form of a slim body and perfect face.

She and Itachi were especially close. He had apologized for his brother and promised that when he died, they would never have to see each other again.

Then came the day. The shinigami snatched her soul and threw it into the hands of fate, who sent her back to correct her errors.

She woke in her old body, a deep sadness at losing all her friends that were still in the realm of the dead. Or they were at least. Now they were alive. But they would never remember their times as the people of the dead.

Her eyes scanned the room. Pink walls with falling cherry blossom petals. She took a shuttering breath.

"Sakura get your lazy ass up! Fucking brat...." the voice of Mebuki Haruno reached her ears. She growled. She had watched those bastards die in her last lifetime but didn't want to wait anymore. She got up and got ready, grabbing a new set of clothing she had always kept hidden in her closet.

 She got up and got ready, grabbing a new set of clothing she had always kept hidden in her closet

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She knew it wasn't for a shinobi but couldn't find it in her heart to give a damn. She stormed out of the house, ducking under the beer bottle thrown at her. As she walked she pulled a kunai out. A nearby Anbu became tense as she raised it but relaxed as she only slashed her hair off.

The Anbu watched the girl closely, feeling her chakra grow dark with hatred. The Anbu followed her for a few hours, watching her in the academy as she ignored everyone and took her test, passing with flying colors. They watched as the girl left the academy, avoiding talking to everyone and went to an almost forgotten training area.

He stared in shock as the little girl began to practice wind jutsu. She was only in the academy. She shouldn't know this. The Anbu backed away and turned to sprint. He went to the homage to give his report about the odd child.

Needless to say, team arrangements changed a bit.

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