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I gave the Uchiha an odd look before shrugging. I sealed the head in a scroll, noticing the pleased aura of Kakuzu. I gave him the scroll and cleaned as much of the blood as possible. We began to walk as I slipped my own cloak on finally. I zipped it up, happy with the warmth.

Konan had stopped looking disgusted. If anything she looked curious.

"Sakura was it?" I nodded. "Do you have to eat humans or is that a choice?" I frowned.

"If I had a choice then I would be eating normal food. I dont have a choice. My body cant process normal food anymore."

"Anymore?" Itachi spoke up.

I sighed. "This time last year I could eat normal things." Kakuzu grunted.

"What happened?" He asked in a rough voice.

"Chakra mutation. I allowed my chakra to bond with another and this was the consequence." They all winced.

"Ouch." Hidan mumbled. I smiled gently.

"I'm fine now. In fact I got used to it over the last few months." Konan's hours softened slightly.

"That's good. You are still a child right?" I hesitated.

"I stopped being a child a long time ago." She sighed but nodded in agreement.

I noticed Itachi's eyes narrowing at me. "Why are you wearing contacts." He demanded.

I paused. "Oops. Forgot to take those fuckers out." I quickly removed them and blinked a few times. A deep relief hit me from the loss of the discomfort. Itachi paled.

"So the Akatsuki now has one of all three dojutsu." Kakuzu noted. "Leader-sama will like this."

I rolled my eyes. Then my eyes caught something. I froze in place and stared right at the thing. I recognized it, yet I didn't know how. A faint memory that wasn't mine hit me.

The other turned to where I was looking. A pair of rainbow eyes stood out in the dark shadows, the form of a seven foot tall man hardly able to be seen. Pearly sharp teeth formed into an innocent yet malicious smile.

'Douma.' The man vanished as the voice spoke. The Akatsuki were on edge. I forced them to keep walking, trying to recall any memories of the man. Nothing.

I would have to go see Kaguya. I shook the thoughts off and entered the hideout. I was about to see them all again. I grumbled as I stubbed my toe on a jagged rock. I hissed a bit as my foot bleed. I bent down to heal it but it had sealed up before I could lift a finger. I tilted my head a bit in fascination.

I let myself zone out after we reached Pein's office. I let them man speak as my thoughts blurred. I noticed his eyes focusing on me and zoned back in.

"-you brought me the cannibal of Konoha?" His tone was accusing.

"Yes leader-sama. It seems she and Hidan-San are a package deal." I looked directly into his metallic purple eyes with a cold gaze.

"I'm going to warn you now. Try not to piss me off when I'm hungry. I tend to lose my temper very fast." He grunted. "But I will try my best to be respectful. For now at least." He sighed.

"Fine. But you have to do the missions I assign you without complaint."

"Deal." Be seemed to sag a bit in relief as I held my hand over Hidan's mouth, keeping any snarky comments in. "Seeing as we only expected one new member we only have one room. So you'll have to stay with Konan for now."

I perked up, nodding. "I'm fine with that." His lips twitched for a split second.

"You can go now. Show Hidan his room Itachi." Said man nodded silently, sending me a quick smile. The entire room did a double take, looking between the two of us.

"Did he just smile at you?" Pein asked incredulously. I shrugged.

"I think so." He shook his head and waved us out. I followed konan to a room in the deepest part of the halls. The door was white with little origami paintings. I smiled. It was kind of cute.

She pushed the door open and I saw the room, one half empty and the other decorated. I gave her a curious look, glancing at the other side of the room.

"I had that just incase we got a female member. I dont like being alone and if there is another girl, I would rather stay with them." I nodded and went to the empty half. I began to put my stuff away, keeping seals around in case a pervert tried to get into my things.

Konan let me paint my half as she went to go get something. I was a very fast painter. When she came back half an hour later, her eyes widened at the painting of the night sky. The image of the moon seemed to have a glow, the very faint outline of a woman with horns inside it.

There were all black trees further down, a few red leaves hanging on branches. I was completely clean, thank god. I looked back at her with a smile.

"Like it? I love looking at the night sky so I painted it for both of us." She nodded shakily.

"You're good at painting." I beamed at her. "Thank you."

She nodded and went into the bathroom. I heard the shower start and realized she forgot her clothes. I shrugged. She'll probably just ask me to hand them to her.

After a few minutes the water stopped and the bathroom door open. Mh face turned red. She had clearly forgotten a towel too. I turned my head away, making it look like I was just grabbing my own towel and clothes. I could hear her getting dressed.

I quickly stepped into the bathroom and turned the hot water to the highest setting. I sighed happily as I washed the thin layer of grime off so my skin, feeling relieved to finally have a real shower and not just a hop in a river. I got dressed and went to my bed contentedly. Konan stopped me and helped me brush my hair out before we went to sleep.

I had a feeling me and this Konan would be very good friends.

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