Interrogation? Easy as pie.

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I turned and began to follow curiously. Many stopped to stare but with a single look that screamed pain, they scampered off. A smirk formed on Ibiki's face.

"Well at least you got a damn good poker face." I snorted.

"I'm able to shut my emotions off completely. I just choose not to because it can be hard to start my emotions back up again." His eyes hardened.

"Don't shut down your emotions. That can cause lasting mental damage."

"I know. That's another reason why I don't do it."

He just sighed and stepped into an elevator. Anko's face hardened.

"You're making her do that?" He rolled his eyes.

"If she's going to be our student we need to know if she can handle this." I raised an eyebrow but didn't ask. He clicked the button for the highest floor and Anko sighed in relief.

"If she can handle this we will keep going down a level until she can't handle it anymore. So then we know where to work. Then we will do the physical test to see what need to be trained. The jutsu test after that to see what you know and then finally the paper test."

I hummed and nodded. So quite a few tests. I had no intention of failing any of them. We stepped out of the elevator and went into a nearby room. Behind one sided glass there was a man being interrogated. It was pretty pathetic and I'm sure my face said that as Ibiki nodded.

We went down to the next level where it was something a little more harsh but still boring. Level after level passed and respect grew in Ibiki and Anko's eyes. Then came the level where it was much more brutal. I watched as they peeled the skin off of a man's arm and made a small comment.

"You should try getting a medic nin to heal them so you can start the process all over again." Their eyes flashed a bit as Anko gave me a wide smirk.

"I like the way you think." Ibiki and her decided to skip to the last level where even they flinched. I walked a bit ahead as loud screams echoed from every room.

A dark grin grew on my face as the two led me to the room in the very back end. They pushed the door open and I saw a man sitting in one of the chairs, out cold and unharmed so far.

I looked at Ibiki in confusion. "Unfortunately Hokage-sama decided it would be best to see if you can get anything out of one of the people down here. We need to know if this man was responsible for the death of a team of Anbu on the west border three weeks ago." I nodded and walked into the small room without hesitation.

I grabbed the bucket of cold water and dumped it on the man, startling him awake. He glared at me before laughing.

"They sent a weak little pink kid-" I cut him off by stabbing a knife between two of his fingers. His eyes widened a bit.

"A kid I may be. Pink I may be. But weak? Now I'm mad." I twirled a small knife. Then pulled a lighter out of my pocket. I sensed the confusion of the two shinobi on the other side of the glass.

I lit the lighter and held the flame below the knife, waiting until it was red hot. I casually dragged it across his upper arm slowly, seeing the wound cauterize before any blood was spilled. He screamed in pain.

"You little bitch!" He tugged on the restraints.

"So tell me. Were you on our west border around three weeks ago?" He glared but his eyes were hiding something.

"No!" I sighed.

"The more you lie the more I will find to do to you." I looked at the bucket that still had some water in it and stepped out of the room to refill if for a few reasons. I stepped back inside and he snorted.

"What the hell is water going to do?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Never heard of Tobirama Senju? Dumbass." He was about to yell at me yet again when I forced his head under the water. He struggled a bit and just before he passed out I yanked his head as and he sputted, watter dripping down his neck.

"I'll repeat my question. Were you on our west border three weeks ago?"


"Good job. Wasn't that hard was it? Now. Did you kill a team of Anbu?"

He shut his mouth again. I sighed and lit a small fire under the bucket of water. The interest in the chakra behind the glass increased.

I let the water boil before smiling kindly at the man. I grabbed his arm and dipped it in the water. And agonizing scream tore from his throat, almost as loud as the screams from some of the other rooms.

I took his hand out. "I'm sure you know the question?" He nodded quickly. "Then answer it." He didn't speak.

I sighed and grabbed the knife that had cooled down at this point. I placed it right next to his finger and yet the bastard still didn't speak. I cut off a total of four fingers before he gave in.

"Please have mercy! It wasn't me! It was a group of people wearing black cloaks with red clouds! That's all I know! I swear!" He sobbed.

Th door slammed open and another man strode in. He nodded at me.

"Nice work kiddo. Go clean up. Ibiki's waiting for you." I nodded and walked to the bathroom to clean the blog off of my hands. I stepped out and met up with Ibiki who was eyeing me up.

"You might not be so bad after all. Come on. Time to see how well you do physically."

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