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I snuggled closer to Itachi as the suns rays tried their best to wake us. I grumbled as I burrowed my head into his cloak. Then I heard a chuckle.

"You both look comfortable." I popped my head up and saw a grinning Kisame. I shot him a glare and laid back down. Itachi shifted his cloak to make me a pillow as we laid there.

"Sorry to get you lovebirds up but we have a mission." I threw a shoe at him and it smacked him in the face. Itachi snorted but began to get up. I sighed and also got up, walking to go find my shoe. I put it on and healed Kisame's face.

He had a large pout on his face and I apologized. "Sorry. I was tired and hate being woken up. But what's the mission about? We just finished this one."

Kisame winced. "Erm..... we uh...." he was suddenly very awkward. I immediately saw red flags.

"Kisame... spit it out." I hissed.

"Wehavetogoandgetinformationon yourbrotherandhisfriendstoseeifwehavetokillthem." I blinked like an owl while Itachi sucked in a breath. Clearly he understood what had been said.

"Kisame dear please talk slower." I asked gently, seeing the flicker of fear in his eyes.

"We have to go and get information on your brother to see if we have to kill him." He stated slowly. I felt the color drain from my face. Kill? Hell no! We were supposed to leave them be if they wouldn't join! Pein you asshole!

I cursed loudly. "How long do we have?"

"Three weeks. We just need some information on his abilities." I visibly paused. I took the notebook out to check it. Sure enough, there was a list of attacks he had wanted to teach me. His attacks. I smirked.

"Well boys we got a three week vacation. I got everything on my brother right here." Kisame paused before he grinned and let out a whoop.

"Hell yeah! Thanks kid!" I gave him a look. He blushed. Then I remembered what should have happened. They were supposed to head to Konoha in this timeline.

Me and Itachi locked eyes and nodded. "Kisame. We're going to Konoha. They have good Dango and I want to tease them." He blinked.

"Sure. So long as it only takes a day or two." I nodded and we started the long walk. It only took us an hour because Itachi summoned a giant crow to fly us there. Kisame ended up looking like the third wheel as me and Itachi sat at the front of the bird, chatting away.

We landed smoothly and slid off. I petted the bird and let it poof away. We snuck in, me leaving the guards a note and bag of treats. After all, they were hit pretty hard over the head.

I began to lead them to the dango stall after we left the red cloud cloaks in favor of the all black ones I made. I sprayed them with something to cover their scent and we all put on the straw hats we were provided.

We all sat and ordered our food. I was lucky that they had large cut up fruit bowls. As we ate, I noticed the jonin outside. Kakashi was waiting for Sasuke while it was obvious that Kurenai was on a date with Asuma, no matter how much both denied it.

I kept my head low and signalled for the others to follow my example. They spotted the group and did as instructed. And then Sasuke showed up. Both me and Itachi glared at him in hate. Itachi had long since stopped caring about him when he had hurt me in our other life.

Listen noticed and quickly paid for the bill and we went to leave. We were stopped by Kurenai and Asuma down a sidewalk next to the lake. I winced.

I turned, keeping my hat low. "How may we help you?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Who are you three?" She demanded. I sighed.

"Just travellers stopping for some much needed food." I lied smoothly.

"Then take your hat off. And don't even try to hide who you are!" She yelled. I grumbled. She was an illusion expert. The henge wouldn't work and a genjutsu would be seen in an instant.

"Fine then. Boys. Hats off, real cloaks out." They grunted and in a split second we had the Akatsuki cloaks on and our hats slowly fell to the floor. Asuma stared at me wide eyed in shock. Kurenai looked a bit stunned too.

Before anyone said a word, Kakashi arrived. He didn't look at us as his eyes were turned to face the two.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with- with..." he began to stumble on words as we locked eyes.

"Sakura?" I let out a cruel laugh.

"Hello there. Hatake."

My voice was laced with venom, him taking steps back. His eyes zeroed in on my horns before they looked at my seal. "What happened to you?"

"So much. But why should I tell you? I have places to be. Itachi!" I snapped my fingers and the man picked me up bridal style. Kisame snorted.

"You are such a damn simp Itachi." He deadpanned. The man glared harshly.

"We won't let you leave. And put her down! And you should not put your hands on her!" Kakashi went another hen mode. I dont think he noticed until the other two jonin just stopped to stare at him in disbelief.

I rubbed my head. "Oh shut up. I got places to be, people to meet and things to smash." Itachi passed me onto Kisame who surprisingly held me the exact same way Itachi did.

He captured Kakashi in the illusion and flipped the others off. I saw Guy coming in fast and forced Itachi to jump away with chakra strings.

He thanked me with a nod before we just left without a word, Itachi once again carrying me. Kisame laughed when we finally got out of there.

"Now that was fun! But I need a bath. To the hot springs we go." He ended up dragging us to a split hot spring where we all relaxed, talking over the wall. Everyone else had fled at the sight of us, me having been feeding.

We laughed the rest of the night before using a few rooms to go to sleep in. I closed my eyes and the image of Kisame seemed to reflect my older brother's. I smiled.

My family had grown.

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