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We left early in the morning well rested. I had gotten a piggyback ride from Itachi. We waved to Kisame and split paths. He wanted to do different things with his free time.

Me and Itachi ended up going to the land of iron. It was snowing heavily, making me very happy. I decided to be playful and dragged Itachi into a little igloo. It was a funny sight; his head was just poking out of the top.

I laughed for a little until a snowball hit me in the face. I turned to see Itachi now free from the igloo, a pile of snowballs in his arms. An all out snowball fight started as we tried our best to avoid contact. After a few hours, we finally laid down in the snow and looked up to the sky panting.

I smiled as the stars and moon came out. We didn't think of the bitter cold, nor the tired aches in our chests. We thought about what would happen from here on out.

When time came to get up and leave, we carved our initials into a tree. They were well hidden and even if they were found, no one would guess who's initials those were.

We fell asleep in a little area I had made with earth style and woke early in the morning. We packed up and left the land of iron, sensing a few samurai coming our way. We ended up going to a place I knew well. It had taken a few hours in the air with Itachi's giant crow but we reached the land of waves.

I went into the town, seeing the people now thriving. I saw children running around in clear joy. The bridge had been a success and Gato was apparently dead.

We wandered around as I didn't try to hide my horns or face from the people. A few had gone wide eyed and ran over.

"S-sakura-sama!" I blinked as three men bowed in front of me. Many had stopped what they were doing in order to stare at us. Itachi shifted, clearly uncomfortable with all the attention.

"How may I help you boys?" I asked softly.

The man in the middle with black hair and green eyes looked up. "We just wanted to thank you! You left in such a hurry last time you never got to see the bridge that you helped us with." I made a sound of acknowledgment.

"It was no big deal. Now please excuse us we really must be finishing with what we were doing before." I quickly strode away to get Itachi out of there. He relaxed after a second.

"Thanks." I nodded. I led the both of us to Tazuna's house, seeing as I was pretty sure he had retired. I saw Tsunami sitting in her garden weeding the flowerbeds, Inari next to her helping. I knocked on the wooden frame while leaning on it. Their heads turned and they froze.

Inari grinned widely before running to me. "Big sis Sakura! You're back!" I laughed lightly and picked him up. I settled him on my hip as Itachi hung back.

"Hey there little guy. How've you been? Being nice for your mother?"

Inari grinned even wider. "Yeah! I help her with all the chores and go to the market for her sometimes!" I smirked.

"Good job. I'm sorry to say but I'm about to leave. I just came to give you something." I handed him a little book I had put together. It was filled with jutsu and fighting styles. Chakra control, medical ninjutsu. Everything.

"If you wanna be like me then use this to train a bit okay?" He nodded very fast.

"Thank you!" I smiled and waved one last time before I vanished with Itachi. We landed a few miles outside of town.

"What'd you give him?" Itachi asked in curiosity.

"Guidelines for chakra and it's uses. A few jutsu for each element. I want to see him grow." Itachi nodded as a jealous gleam left his eye.

We left and traveled all over, pissing a few people off and having the time of our lives. We had caught glimpses of my brother and his friends a few times but paid them no mind.

When our time was up, we made our way back to the hideout, meeting Kisame at the border of the surrounding forest. I got a ride from Itachi on his back and we hesitantly entered the hideout.

We reported in and I gave minimal information to Pein. Just a few small attacks and basic things. After all I didn't want my brother to actually be hurt. We didn't mention the fact that we had spent the last few weeks doing jack shit. But we were sure he already knew and chose not to say anything.

We went back to the living room where I found Hidan sharpening his scythe next to Kakuzu who was counting money. Itachi went for the kitchen as I sat next to the duo.

"Good morning." Hidan looked over.

"What the hell took you so long?" He asked impatiently. I deadpanned.

"Ok not even a hello? Rude. We had a three week long mission. Oh and here Kakuzu." I handed him a scroll as his eyes narrowed. He unsealed it and a mountain of money fell to the floor. The Bill's in his hand slowly drifted to the floor as he stared with wide eyes at the glorious pile.

"Me and Itachi pissed some people off so we collected some bounties." Kakuzu wordlessly hugged me.

"You are god send child. God send." Hidan snorted as he tried to grab some money. I slapped his hand and he recoiled.

"No Hidan. This is for the organization. Or Kakuzu. You can find bounties of your own." Kakuzu nodded, eyes filled with greed. He resealed the money and ran to his room. I heard a door slam.

I plopped on the couch. "I'm tired. I'm a taking a nap." I deadpanned at my brother.

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