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I grumbled as I let my eyes open a bit. I could tell Douma was still carrying me, but we had stopped. I managed to look at why and cursed, drawing Douma's attention.

"Good you're awake. We might need some help." I narrowed my eyes at the scores of leaf nin blocking our path out of the village.

I had Douma let me down as Kisame took Samehada and smashed the ground. The hokage himself stood in our path. "Hiruzen please let us leave. We are not doing any harm and only came to claim Orochimaru's head."

The old man sighed. "I know. But you are a group of rogues alongside one unknown. I'm sorry but we will have to apprehend you." I sighed deeply.

"You can try." I looked at the boys. "No killing. We are not here to start a war." They nodded before the shinobi charged us. I noticed the hokage wasn't trying to help, he had actually given us a break through.

A small path that we could take to avoid the fight. I could tell the others noticed. We took our chance and ducked under the rain of weapons and jutsu. I sent the hokage a grateful smile as I passed him.

I was given a sad look in return. We broke through the last of the shinobi by letting loose a weak knockout poison. Douma-nii created an ice wall behind us as a way to block them from following.

I let him pick me up again as we ran and snickered as I heard the enraged yells of the leaf shinobi. Douma-nii smiled at me as we kept running.

"So how have you been little sis?" I snorted.

"Busy. You have explaining to do. Running away and coming back ten years later. I expect to know why." He sighed.

"I'll tell you later." Itachi joined us.

"Hand her to me." I blinked as Douma bent down, still running and passed me on. I just shrugged as Itachi hugged me closer to him.

I was happy that he remembered and now I knew why he had been acting strange. He remembered all of our good times. Every time he saved me from Sasuke in the afterlife. Everytime he stopped my parents from getting too close. Everytime I gave him a smile and he returned it.

Kisame came up from behind us with a smirk. "Making yourself comfortable pinky?" I grinned.

"Sure as hell am." I snuggled closer to Itachi as he was very warm. Kisame let out a loud laugh.

"You're bold." I smirked. Then Douma-nii stopped. He turned to us as we all slowed down.

"Douma-nii?" I asked. He sighed sadly before forcing himself to smile.

"Here." He tossed me a scroll. "This will explain why I left. But I have to return to the place I've been hiding for the last decade. I will see you again. And I will answer when you call for me. But for now this is see you later." He patted my head as I lowered my gaze sadly.

"I see." He sighed and placed one of his golden fans in my hand. "Take care of this. Bye bye sis."

He vanished in a whirlwind of ice. I clutched the fan tightly, sad that he would leave me again so easily. Itachi sighed and rubbed my head. "He'll be back some day. You just have to wait."

I didn't say anything, but my disappointment did leave me a bit. I was still upset of course. But at least I got to see him. Itachi shifted me a bit so I got ready to be put down. But instead he just took his cloak off and put it over me.

I saw Kisame grin widely and turned pink. "Thank you." Kisame wolf whistled.

"Making a move eh-" Itachi roughly elbowed him, causing him to stop in his sentence and cough. I couldn't stop the small laugh that left me.

"Ok ok. I get it. Sorry." He wheezed. I curled into a ball and buried my face into Itachi's neck as I waited to get back to the base. I stopped after a minute.

"What happened to Orochimaru's head?" I asked in confusion. They grimaced.

"He didn't die. He used one of his followers to revive himself and escaped in the nick of time. Slimy bastard." I grumbled.

"So we failed. Ah to hell with it." I just resumed my former position as Itachi chuckled. We could both feel the smug air around Kisame but decided to ignore it for now.

Finally we made it out of the land of fire and they started to run again. As we were running I could smell blood so I poked my head up and sniffed. Then I saw it.

"Itachi! Why the hell didn't you say you got hurt!" I snapped as I jumped out of his arms. He winced as Kisame slowed down and turned back to us.

I forced the man to sit and lifted the back of his shirt where I could see the growing bloodstain. There was a deep cut a few inches from his spine. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

I began to clean his wound and pressed harder onto it when he tried to stop me. I stitched it up because my chakra was still recovering and wrapped it tightly. But I did manage to send a pulse of chakra to his lungs to check on them. I was relieved to see that his disease from our last lifetime was gone, likely a gift for his sacrifices.

I forced Itachi to take his shirt off and got as much blood out as possible. I loved being a girl at times- we know how to really get blood out of clothing.

I handed him his now clean shirt and he slipped it on. I forced him to wear his cloak as well as I would now be walking in order to not upset the wound. I checked hisame out and found a few small scratches, Samehada already healing him.

I patted their heads as we walked into the base. Home sweet home.

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