Joint Mission? Seriously?

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I yawned as I woke up. Three weeks had gone by since I had joined the Nara household. Yoshino loved me, Shikamaru dragged me off to play shoji every day and Shikaku enjoyed seeing me. Mainly because we also work together in T&I.

I got dressed into the same thing Ibiki wore on the daily and put my back headband around my neck. I had taken to his style very fast, something he gloated about to Anko and the other senseis.

I had spent some time with Kakashi while avoiding my old team but spent most of my time with Asuma's team. Mainly because of Shikamaru. Me and Ino still fought because I refused to rebond with her after what happened in our last life. She had been the commander of Sarada's unit. And she had sent Sarada to her death.

But I often went to see Choji and cook with his mother, Akari. They did like my cooking. I walked out the door and made my way to T&I, seeing the sun hardly rising.

I checked in and skipped to Ibiki's office. I knocked on the door and he called for me to enter. I frowned as I entered, mood dampening. His desk was filled with mountains of paperwork.

He sighed. "Sakura. Early as usual." I nodded.

"Good morning sensei." His lips twitched up for a second before they settled into a deep frown.

"Good morning brat. I'm sure you can see how much paperwork I have today." I nodded sadly. "So I've decided that you'll join a team on a joint mission. They'll be leaving in an hour at the gates. I'm sure you have everything packed in your storage scrolls?"

"Of course sensei. Always prepared." I spoke softly. He smiled and patted my head.

"Try not to kill the team." I raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. Something in my gut told me today was important. But what?

I left the room and ran into Anko, who had stepped out of an interrogation room abruptly. I smiled brightly at my other sensei.

"Anko-sensei. Good morning. I'm guessing you'll be busy for a while too?" She sent me a flashy grin.

"You bet! I'll let you know how many people lose their minds when you get back kiddo." I smirked.

"Counting on it." I left the building and grabbed some food to eat. I walked slowly and grabbed some more food for Kotetsu and Izumo. God knows those two were gonna need it.

I skipped down the street and came to the gate. To my absolute horror, Sasuke stood there, Ami attached to his arm. Naruto was a few feet away, giving the girl a look of disgust. Then it clicked. The land of waves.

I groaned as I stopped skipping and dragged my feet a bit. I was not ready to deal with these people. I ignored them and placed the food in front of Izumo and Kotetsu who looked at me as though I were a god. They thanked me as they ate, possibly for the only time today. I saw Tazuna, the old man, walking in our direction and got a mischievous idea.

I smiled warmly at him as he looked me up and down. I looked at his drink and glanced at Kakashi who poofed in nearby.

"The one in the liquor store near the main street is much better. My sensei bought me some if you want to try?" I stated casually as I held up the bottle that Anko sensei had given me after learning I loved sake.

His eyes lit up and he grinned. "Sure." I gave him one of those small cups and he sipped it before nodding. "That is better."

Team Seven stared at me in shock as Kakashi glared at the bottle in my hand. "Sakura what did I say about drinking?"

"Fuck off." I responded. He sighed and we just started our walk. Naruto was really happy to see me and I felt my heart ache. I could never forgive his future self for stopping the machine.

Ami glared at me as I insulted her repeatedly all the while smiling softly. As if I was talking about flowers or something. Sasuke ignored me but the side eyed looks he sent me made me internally scowl. He was eyeing my body, which had become toned in the intense training with Ibiki and Anko.

I rolled my eyes. Itachi was much more of a gentleman and refused to do things as disgusting as eye a woman up when she was clearly not interested. I tugged on Kakashi's sleeve and he sighed, letting me climb onto his back to read his book with him. It did have an amazing plot. And maybe the dirty scenes weren't so bad-

I tensed as two chakras entered my range. I could see the puddle and got ready for a replacement jutsu. As the chains got within an inch of me, I did the jutsu with Kakashi and left logs in our place, a minor genjutsu keeping them looking like us.

I snickered as they sliced though the logs and stepped in front of Naruto, stopping the gloved hand from slicing Naruto's hand like last time. I knocked the two out with ease and tied them to a tree. Kakashi sent me knowing look as he led his team away. I sat there with the two for ten minutes until they woke up.

I ended up torturing information out of them and left them to the Anbu nearby. I ran to rejoin the team after getting the blood off of myself. I landed on Kakashi's back and started reading again, ignoring the questions of his annoying little brats.

I knew it was going to happen very soon. Zabuza was close and was following us, waiting for us to not only cross the river, but also the border so there would be no chance of other leaf nin coming to help.

He was just waiting for the right time to strike and kill.

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