I'm a what...?

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I sighed as I sank deeper into the couch. Haku had managed to stop the bleeding and wrapped my head up for me as I spoke to Zabiza about my plans. He actually listened very well, not interrupting once. I was thankful. He understood much better than anyone in Konoha.

I flipped over and Zabuza grumbled. "Just get over here damn it." I looked at him in confusion. "You've moved twelve times in ten minutes. Just come lay on the side of the bed already." I blushed a bit. I did tend to move a lot. I sighed and got up, laying back down on the side of the bed. He passed me a pillow and I finally managed to get some sleep.

I was woken up by Haku. "Sorry. I have to change the bandage on your head." I yawned and nodded.

I let him take it off, Zabuza looking over his shoulder curiously. When the bandage was off, both went stiff. Their eyes widened in shock and Haku began to stumble on words. I got worried really fast.

"What's wrong?"

"Y-your head..." Haku whispered. He quickly grabbed a mirror and turned it over. On my head, there were two small horns where the cuts had been. I could tell immediately that they were made out of bone. I touched one gently in fascination. I could now also see my strength of a hundred seal return.

I looked up at the two male shinobi. "What the fuck happened overnight?" Haku hardly managed to speak.

"You were tossing and turning until you joined us up here. Then you were oddly still. I thought you were dead asleep." I nodded slowly.

"I'll find out." I stood, no longer feeling dizzy. In fact I seemed to be able to understand my surroundings much easier. I left the hideout, thankful that no one followed me. I decided to go back to Tazuna's after grabbing some food. The village was just as depressing as last time.

A sweet smell finally hit my nose. I began to follow the smell and found a small shop with the corner covering it. I walked inside and found it almost empty. But it was were the smell came from that shocked me.

There was a woman bandaging her arm, which had a deep cut. Her blood smelled amazing. She looked up and her eyes grew wide in fear.

"D-d-d-demon!" She screamed. I growled. That was just plain insulting. Before my mind could process it, I had lept at her and torn her throat out. With my jaw. The blood splashed all over my face and seeped down my throat.

The sweet smell had amplified tenfold as her sweet blood dribbled down my front and throat. I couldn't find the strength to stop myself from swallowing the flesh. I then realized what I had done. Blood was everywhere, even staining the tips of my hair.

I backed away. The single word she had spoken came back to me. 'Demon'.

I ran out of the store, soon hearing the terrified screams. Many stared at me as I ran past them, covered in blood. I ran to the river and jumped in, scrubbing my skin as harsh as possible. I began to see my vision go white.

I sank into the deep water below me and saw a school of fish above me. I passed out, unaware of the other changes to my body.

I woke in a meadow, the sun high in the sky and a single tree the only thing other than grass as far as my eyes could see. I felt a strong pull as I began to walk to the small tree. Under it lay a person I knew all too well.

"K-kaguya-chan?" I asked in shock. She looked up and smiled softly.

"Hello my little demon. How has your second life been so far?" She asked kindly. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I jumped to hug her. I began to sob loudly.

"Y-you remember!" I smiled as I cried. She rubbed my head.

"Well of course I do. Our souls merged remember?" I looked up, startled.

"I-I forgot about that."

"Well that not only lets me remember but it also gave you some of my traits. Such as my horns. My eyes will soon follow." I looked up at her in shock.

"W-what does that make me then?" She hummed.

"A demon. And my sister too." I opened my mouth to ask about her why I had attacked the girl in the store but she hushed me.

"You're waking up. And you'll see why you did that someday." I looked at her in confusion. I saw her image turn white and my eyes snapped open. A pair of arms was lifting me out of the cool waters of the river. I coughed as my eyes focused.

Zabuza held me gently. "You okay kid?" I nodded slowly.

"Physically yes. Mentally unsure. Emotionally fucked." I answered. He snorted.

"That's most shinobi in this world." I nodded in agreement.

"Come on. Let's get you back to the hideout. Haku already went back to Tazuna's house and left another fake note." I nodded slowly and let him carry me. It seemed he was now healed all the way.

His eyes lingered on me for a second. "There's blood on your lips." I froze. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"I-I d-didn't mean t-to." I began to cry softly.

"I know kid. I was watching." I looked up sharply. "But it doesn't matter. If you have to eat a human then so be it. I'll give you some blood later to help with your hunger." The tears finally fell and I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much......... thank you."

"No problem..... Imouto."

Next chapter might be here in a few days

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