Rest of the Tests

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Anko was the one to take charge on this test. She led us to the same almost forgotten training area that I had trained in. She slipped into a stance and made me do the same. I took the stance Tsunade taught me and mixed it with Orochimaru's and a bit of Sasuke's from his last lifetime.

Anko's eyes showed confusion but she attacked me none the less. I avoided every hit with ease, almost dancing like the flow of water. I saw a small opening in her stance and struck with a powerful punch, sending her flying. She caught herself but yelped an fell to the floor clutching her side.

I knew I had broken a few ribs. And possibly pushed one into a smaller organ. Ibiki called the match in my favor and I rushed to heal Anko. I healed her side, shocking both with my knowledge before she tried to flip me. Probably to show me a lesson. I I once again avoided it and made her sit down, bribing her with the leftover dango.

Ibiki called an Anbu out to help with the jutsu test and I saw someone I recognized as Kakashi dressed up land in front of me. I snorted silently. He didn't even change his hair.

He turned to face me. "Are you ready?"

"Yes but you should really change your hair if you wanted to hide who you are. Only one shinobi has hair like that Hatake-San." He froze. Ibiki snorted and Anko agreed. Kakashi looked a bit sheepish.

"Let's just start damn it." He sent a fireball at me and I dodged easily. I countered with an air style that was much more powerful, putting the fire out instead of increasing the flames.

He stared at me coldly as he sent a water dragon my way. I tensed and saw the it was connected to the water of the lake he stood on. I sent a large charge of lightning down the water making his entire body jolt for a few moments. He leapt away from the water and had to avoid another lightning charge. Then he pulled the anbu mask off and raised his headband.

We began to mirror movements as I began to copy his breathing and every slight twitch to lull him into a sense of security. When he had finally been pulled in, I sent him a large wave of water that had been hit with electricity as well. He burst into a cloud of smoke and a knife was pressed against my throat. Kakashi won the match but I had gained a lot of respect for knowing how to use three elements.

Then came the paper test. I knew everything and finished within five minutes. They two looked shocked but told me I was good for today and to meet them in the office in two days. Meaning I had a day alone.

I walked off and gave Anko the rest of the dango which she accepted greedily. I skipped away seeing the sky grow dark and smirked. The other teams would have their tests tomorrow. But I already cemented my spot in the ranks.

I ended up at a small hill that had a single tree on top. I plopped down on the grass and was going to fall asleep before a voice spoke up and two chakra signatures entered my range.

"Ah man. Someone already got our spot dad. What a drag." I opened an eye and saw Shikamaru and Shikaku Nara.

"Sorry. I'll leave." I went to stand but they waved me off.

"No need. We can share the spot." I shrugged and plopped back down. I listened to them talk about the clouds and shoji for a little while until Shikamaru spoke to me.

"You look like hell Sakura. What happened?" I groaned.

"The hokage put Ibiki Morino and Anko Mitarashi as my senseis. They gave me four different tests. One of which I will not mention because you're to young to hear that."

They both winced. "That's such a drag. You alright?" I nodded.

"Peachy." Shikaku hummed.

"What do your parents think?" I scowled.

"Don't know don't give a damn. They only care about their reputation. And this will be sure to put a stain on their precious bloodline. So they'll most likely take the food for the week." They froze.

"What do you mean take the food for the week?" Shikamaru asked. I found my opportunity to get my parents in some deep shit.

"What? Don't your parents take away your food when you're misbehaving? Or whip you with a belt when you talk back?" I tilted my head innocently. Shikaku stood abruptly.

"Both of you get up. We're going to go have a long talk with your parents Sakura. I'll make sure they don't get out of T&I." My eyes widened. I had expected this to take longer.

All three of us went to my house as Shikamru grumbled about how pissed his mom would be that they missed dinner. I just laughed and promised him a game of shoji as payment. He seemed to walk a bit faster after that.

I opened the door to my home and was hit in the face with a beer bottle. I yelped as blood trickled down my face. Shikaku was quick to press a cloth to the wound as he glared at my father, who paled as he realized that I wasn't alone.

"A-ah! S-Shikaku-San! I'm sorry Saku dear I missed the trash-" I snapped.

"No you didn't asshole. You just didn't see who I was with." He face switched from anxious and scared to enraged in a split second. I backed away and Shikaku yanked me to the side to avoid the other bottle thrown at me.

"You dont talk back to me you little brat!" He was going to try and grab me but found himself unable to move.

"Capture success." Shikamaru stated in a bored tone. I smirked at him as Shikaku bashed him over the head and tied him up. My egg donor cam sprinting down the stairs and upon seeing everything, turned to me. She grabbed a knife and charged me but didn't manage to make it four feet before an Anbu jumped in and knocked her out.

I thanked them as they took my parents to T&I. Then I realized my only problem. I had nowhere to stay as the house was a rental. And the landlord didn't exactly like me. A hand gripped my shoulder and I saw Shikaku-San smiling at me.

"Come on kiddo. You can stay with us for a while. I'm sure Yoshino won't mind. She's always wanted a girl around the house."

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