Douma's letter

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I sighed as the chilling air hit me in the face. I began to walk to Pein's office silently, knowing he wasn't going to be pleased. Kisame rubbed my head.

"Relax. He might not be happy but he will understand. We've all failed to kill the slimy bastard." I snorted.

"That's not why I'm so down. My brother left me yet again and Orochimaru, the asshole, was probably a cause of that." He just nodded and his hand slipped off of my head. I quickly fixed my hair into a tight bun at the base of my head and knocked on the door.

"Enter." Pein's rough voice called out. I opened the door and all three of us stepped inside. His desk was piled high with papers for Ame, bookshelves lining the walls, each one filled with hundreds of scrolls.

I met Pein's eyes. "We failed." His brows knit together as he sighed deeply.

"I expected as much." I winced.

"We almost got him. He did die but used one of his subordinates to revive himself through the curse mark." Pein groaned.

"Kisame, Itachi leave. I need to have a word with her." Kisame left quickly but Itachi hesitated before giving Pein a warning look and leaving.

Pein slowly stood up and walked to one of the bookshelves, grabbing a scroll similar to the one Onii-San gave me.

"Sit down Sakura." I quickly sat in the large chair in front of his desk as his papers were put away. He unraveled the old dusty scroll and motioned me to scoot closer. I did as told and took a peek.

It was an image of a man with glowing red eyes and wavy black hair. He was very well dressed. Around him seemed to be a multitude of people. I recognized one as my brother, reading the small passage next to his form.

'Uppermoon two: Douma.

This ancient demon is one of the most powerful and old demons under the command of Kibutsuji Muzan. Eith an extraordinary ability to manipulate ice, he proved to be quite the challenge as he surpassed the former uppermoon two, Akaza. Past is unknown. After his fight with Kocho Shinobu, a hashira(demon slayer), he was almost never seen praying on young women. Muzan was killed and their connection was cut, however instead of dying alongside his master, the demon was said to have been reborn after being caught in the sunlight. If this demon was truly reborn in an alternate world, may the gods have mercy.'

I stepped back in shock. Pein looked up at me. "Which one did you read?" He asked. I pointed to my brother's image. He nodded.

"Good. There have been sightings of this man across the nations. Alongside the pink one and the one with six eyes." I nodded slowly. I was very pale. "Zetsu said you had a connection to the one you read?" I nodded.

"He's my biological brother." Pein nodded.

"I thought so. I want you to try and gather some information on these three. To see if they can be swayed to our side." I looked up.

"I'll think on it. Because if you think I would just throw my brother under the bus like that then you are wrong. If he can be swayed I'll let you know." I left the room before he could respond. My hand went into my pocket to grip the golden fan I had been given.

I let it fall deeper into my pockets as I entered my room. Konan wasn't in there but someone else was. I stared at Itachi who had been sitting on the bed, waiting.

I smiled at him. "You waited for me?" He grunted and nodded. I sat next to him on the bed and slowly took the scroll out.

I looked up. "Ready to see what he wanted to tell me?" Itachi nodded.

I shakily opened it, and was stunned to see a near replica of the one Pein has. The only difference was a small notebook that fell out. I held the notebook as Itachi read the small words on the scroll's page.

I opened the notebook and found a small letter.

'Hey Strawberry.

I know it was messed up of me to leave you. I really do know. But I'm afraid that being with you will only cause more harm than good. As I have guessed, you read the scroll first. It is true. We are demons and this is not my first life.' I chuckled at the irony. Same Onii-San. Same. 'But you must know this. I am being hunted. By those who wish to harvest my power. I cannot allow that. I'm not able to tell you more but know this. Eat more humans. The more you devour, the more strength you gain. Eventually if you haven't already, you'll get what is called a blood demon art. It can be mistaken for a kekkei genkai. Bye little sis. Hope to see you get stronger. Oh and Akaza-dono and Kokushibo-dono say hi!

-Your favorite brother'

I narrowed my eyes at the end of the letter. Blood demon art? That'll be useful. I let itachi read the letter before I burned it and flushed the ashes. We told everyone we were going out for a little and left the hideout to get some food. I bought Itachi some dango and killed a few people, devouring them in a span of minutes. I cleaned up the blood but threw the bones off of the roof, hearing the screams of alarm as piles of bloody and chewed bones fell seemingly from the sky. I snickered and left with Itachi. We ended up at the nearby lake and sat on a boulder overlooking the water.

It was as smooth as a mirror, and we could see our reflections looking up at us. The sky grew dark fast and firefly came out, making it seem like there were many more stars than there actually were.

We fell asleep under the night sky, happily cuddling into each other.

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