My brother

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I got up early that morning and made Hidan some breakfast, going to go hunt. I found a woman passed out, clearly drunk. I killed and ate her swiftly, returning to Hidan's comfortable little home. It was surprisingly clean.

Hidan was eating happily. He looked up as I entered, having washed the blood off in a stream. His eyes shone in joy. "Thank you for the fucking food! It's the best shot I've ever had in this crappy village!" He all but yelled. I smiled softly.

"You're welcome Hidan-kun." I took his empty plate and washed it in the sink. I hummed gently as Hidan leaned on the doorway. Hidan ended up plopping himself on his couch as I finished with the dishes. I dried my hand and sat next to him, letting him put his head in my lap. I ran my hands through his hair as he relaxed.

"Hey Sakura?" I hummed.

"Why does it feel like I knew you before this?" I froze. His eyes were now open and scanning my face. Before I could respond his eyes widened.

"Holy shit. Stay right here." He commanded. I blinked. He ran back into the room with multiple photo frames. He set them on the table and arranged them.

"I knew I knew you! It's been so long!" I blinked as my eyes scanned the pictures. My body jolted.

The single memory hit me. One forgotten for so many years. A tiny Hidan protecting me from my parents when I was three. I looked up at Hidan before just hugging him.

"It's been so long-" I mumbled.

"Sure has Strawberry." I giggled at the nickname.

"Strawberry? That's the best you could come up with?" I teased. He pouted. I laughed and rubbed him head soothingly. "I'm just teasing. I like the nickname..... rabbit." He paused as his face turned pink.

"You remember that?" He mumbled.

"I remember you chasing rabbits as a kid because I found them cute." I responded softly. He chuckled.

"You could never put them down." I smiled at the very blurry memories. Our little reunion was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I frowned as Hidan moved to open it.

"Hidan no Yukagakure you are under arrest." My head snapped around and I gripped the handle of a blade.

"Hah?! Why the hell am I under arrest? I didn't do jack shit!" Hidan shouted. I growled lowly.

"Harboring a fugitive by the name of Sakura Haruno. That is treason and therefore you shall be punished with death-" I cut him off by pouncing from the shadows, tearing his throat out. His partner screamed and pissed his pants before trying to kill me. Hidan's scythe cut him down in a split second.

I cursed as people began to scream and run. I looked up at Hidan. "Looks like Jashin gets to have more than a few sacrifices tonight eh?" His eyes gleamed with insanity.

"Then we better get fucking started then!" He sprinted out the door to the running mass of people. I giggled and followed closely, abandoning all weapons in favor of my claws. Blood was sent flying in all directions as I tore man and woman apart limb by limb. Children perished at my hand as well. There was no mercy for anyone, except for the pregnant women and the babies.

By the time the sun had set, we were forced to flee because the leader of the village had requested backup. Hidan snagged two black leather jackets and passed me one. I slipped it on to cover the bloodstains from my meals. We killed any shinobi who attacked us and found a traveler wandering the winding paths of the mountain nearby.

Hidan tried to get him to join Jashianity but failed. The man tried to hit him with a knife but I tackled him into the bushes and feasted greedily.

After ten minutes I headd Hidan's cry of alarm and wiped my face, the blood staining my hand. I jumped into a tree to see Kakuzu's arm through Hidan's chest. I growled lowly and Itachi's eyes snapped to me before they went wide.

"Kakuzu look out!-" He tried to call out but it was too late. I had leapt from the tree and attacked Kakuzu, cutting through the threads on his arm. He jumped back as his hand tried to reconnect with his body. Their eyes were on me as I landed in front of Hidan, arms out protectively.

I didn't know how they had found us nor that why. It was a little soon wasn't it? I decided to ignore that fact as I narrowly avoided getting cut by paper. I sent Konan an look and quickly moved to hide behind Hidan. I glowered at them all from behind him.

"Why are you attacking my brother?" I snapped. I noticed Kakuzu's eyes staring at my horns in curiosity.

"We were dispatched to catch the killers of Yukagakure. But it seems we will be offering you both a chance to join us. It's that or we find a way to kill you." Konan stated coldly. I sighed and left my hiding spot from behind Hidan. We shared a look.

"Deal. So long as we get to spread our ideals a bit." I answered for us. I was ecstatic. The group had Hidan cross his headband out before turning to me. I shrugged.

"Burned my headband as a massive fuck you." Konan couldn't hold her snort as Itachi coughed to cover his laugh. Kakuzu let out a grunt of approval.

"A very massive fuck you indeed." We got our cloaks but I didn't put mine on yet. They gave me a look of confusion as my head tilted. I though I heard something.

My ears caught a faint rustle in a bush and I zoomed over, yanking a man with Konoha's headband out of the bushes. Everyone glowered ag him as he went pale. I grinned.

"You guys go on ahead. I'm feeling a little hungry." My eyes darkened. Konan looked a little uncomfortable while Hidan grinned.

"Can I watch?" Kakuzu asked.

"I'm kind of curious to see what you do." Itachi added. No disgust. I shrugged and snapped the man's neck. My fangs elongated as Konan looked away. I tore the man apart, not caring about the blood. I left the head, seeing as the man was not only ugly but also had a bounty.

I looked up at the mildly amused Kakuzu and the- hold on.

Was Itachi smiling?

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