Chapter 1

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TW: Swearing, yelling (lmk if I missed out on any TWs)

Tommy POV

I woke up staring at the ceiling it was a Monday and was the first day of college for the year. I didn't really want to go to school to be honest, but did I have a choice? I took a glance at the clock - it was 7:10 AM, I had about 50 mins till college.

After staring at the ceiling for 15-ish minutes, I got a call from my good friend Tubbo.

"Hi Tommy! You up?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I woke up like 15 mins ago." I replied, still half asleep and not really cherish.

"Are you excited for college?" he asked with this still excited-ish tone.

I sighed and said "No, why would I be?"

"Looks like someone is grumpy today..." he replied in a less cheerful tone, "Anyways, make sure to not be late for school" and then he mumbled "like always..."

"You know that I promised that this year I will always be on time!" I replied.

"Mmm... sure... Oh and also, did I tell you that Ranboo will be in our college this year?" Tubbo asked.

Shoot! I forgot that Ranboo moved to the UK recently. I don't really like Ranboo to be honest, he stole my best friend from me, so I will probably have to ignore him for this year, which admittedly will be hard knowing how intimidating he is.

"Wait what?!" was the only thing I could have said, I didn't really know what else to say.

"Mmm, you don't sound very fond of Ranboo being in the same college with you, I know you hate him bu-" Tubbo said, but was interrupted by my mom yelling from downstairs.


"Okay Tubbo, I got to go, see you!" I said and hung up on him.

I quickly got dressed but was thinking... What was Tubbo going to say if my mom didn't interrupt... Eh, it couldn't have been that important, now could it?

I went downstairs and quickly ate.

~ Time skip to 7:53 ~

I got out of my moms car, and waved her bye.

"Make sure to behave!" she yelled as I walked to the school entrance.

She exited the parking and I waved her bye, and then I saw him... Ranboo... he was much taller in person and much hotte- NO NO NO, I hate Ranboo, and plus I am straight! He, he-

I wasn't able to concentrate on my own thoughts because of this fucking 6'6 slenderman that was staring at me. Like tf? Mind your own damn business!

Ranboo POV

I looked around for Tubbo but he was nowhere to be seen, but then I saw Tommy walking up to me - he was much shorter in person...

I didn't really want to talk to him, but I admit he is quite intimidating and he can engage anyone in a conversion if he wanted to. I walked away from him, trying my best to ignore him.

Tommy POV

I saw Ranboo walking away from me, I immediately felt a sense of sadness because of it. But why? I hated his guts, why did I want to be friends with him?!

Just as I was about to start contemplating my life choices I was interrupted by Tubbo.

"Hey Tommy!" said Tubbo.

"H-hi Tubbo!" was all I managed to spit out, still being buried deep into my thoughts.

"What's wrong Tommy? You clearly seem upset..." Tubbo replied.

"Nothing is wrong, I was just buried into my thoughts." I said, trying to end the conversation as quickly as I could.

"Hm, alright then! Have you seen Ranboo, I can't find him?" Tubbo semi-cheerfully asked.

"Mm, no I haven-" and just as I was saying this, the bell started to ring, indicating that I had to go to first period. "Oop- I need to go to first period, talk to you later!" I said as I was walking away.

I headed to my first period, I opened the classroom door, thankfully the professor wasn't there yet, so I entered quietly and started searching for seats, and the only available seat that I could spot was of course - next to Ranboo. So I quietly went to the seat, sat down and immediately felt Ranboo's eyes starting at me. Just as I was about to ask him why tf he was staring at me, the professor entered the classroom.

Ranboo POV

The moment I saw Tommy sitting next to me I felt myself blushing, thankfully I was wearing a mask so he couldn't see me. I stared at him and admired how he looked, he was just so handsom- NO! He hates me! I should not develop feelings for him, otherwise I will have my heart broken to pieces again, just like last time...

My first period finished, and I had to go to my second period, which was again with Tommy... I tried choosing a seat as far away from Tommy

~ Time skip to 13:07 ~

It was lunch and the cafeteria was full - there was pretty much nowhere to sit, thankfully Tubbo saw me struggle to find a seat and invited me to seat with him and Tommy. The moment Tommy saw me he blushed red.

I put my stuff on the seat and went to get food.

Tommy POV

"Looks like someone has a crush on Ranboo..." Tubbo said mockingly.

"Who? Me- N-no! I don't like Ranboo, I hate him!" I said trying to defend myself.

"Then why did you blush the moment that you saw him?" Tubbo asked.

SHIT! I just realized that I'm blushing, hopefully Ranboo didn't see me.

"I'm straight" was all I could think off saying in my defense.

"Sure you are." Tubbo rolled his eyes and continued eating.

Ranboo came back with his food and sat down, I immediately felt myself blushing. I tried covering it up and I could immediately see that Tubbo was trying so hard not to laugh. I looked at Ranboo and thank god he was on his phone.

"I- uh- I need to go to the toilet" is all I could think of to get away from the table and at the same time not be that rude (like Ranboo)....

"Mkay" Ranboo said still on his phone.

Honestly I wanted to get some attention from him, he pretty much ignoring me the entire day, while I was straight up falling for him.

I tried hiding my blush and sprinkled some cold water on my face. I returned back to the table and ugh, Ranboo was still on his phone...

This is my first fanfic so don't mind the spelling mistakes/plot mistakes. Expect daily new chapters! Cya!

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