Chapter 6

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TW: Angst, attempted rape, bleeding, swearing

Tommy POV

Tubbo and Ranboo went to get some cotton candy and I was waiting outside the sweets store.

Some guy came up to me bit his lip and asked if I am single. I wasn't sure what to say, he pulled me into his arms and continued "You look hot, do you want to go on a date?"

I felt uncomfortable and said "N-no, I don't wan-" he proceeded to cut me off pulled me away from my the shop and said "I know you want to, stop trying to hide it."

I tried pulling away from him, but he overpowered me and started kissing me.

He said "Stop resisting, it will only make it worse for you"

He picked me up and took me to a bathroom stall. No- this can't be happening. I resisted and started screaming for help, but he put his hand over my mouth and said "Stop, I know you want it."

I continued kicking and resisting, I eventually managed to kick him in the crotch. He grunted in pain and slapped my face. I felt immense pain. I continued screaming for help, but all that was heard was just muffled distorted sounds.

He slapped my face once again and said "Shut the fuck up! You know you want it!"

I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker, but no matter what, I had to keep fighting him.

I was incredibly tired, I was ready to give up, but then I heard Ranboo kicking down the stall door.

"RANBOO!" I screamed with joy the moment I saw him.

"Get your hands off him!" Ranboo yelled with rage

The guy was a bit taller than Ranboo and said "You are no match for me, I suggest you back off before I knock you out."

I looked at Ranboo and was able to see the fury in his eyes. Ranboo was so done and he knocked out the guy. He then went into the stall and asked "Tommy are you okay?"

I immediately hugged him and felt tears roll down my eyes.

"I-I am so glad that you are here. I thought that I w-w-was going to-" I said and I broke into tears.

Ranboo pulled me into an embrace and said "It's okay bud, it's all over."

The guy was slowly coming back into consciousness and said "You have not seen the last of me..."

Tubbo then came in with cops and they took the guy.

I felt safe once again. Ranboo held me close and I felt like nothing could break our bond.

I was feeling a bit dizzy though.

Ranboo POV

As I was hugging Tommy, I felt his body drop into my arms and his eyes close.

I saw blood running down his neck.

"No! Tommy! Tommy, wake up!" I yelled in despair as I shook him.

I checked his pulse, thankfully he was still alive.

Tubbo had already called paramedics and they arrived fairly quickly.

They loaded Tommy onto a stretcher and took him to the hospital. I ran alongside them and Tubbo followed me.

We sat in the ambulance and I am pretty sure the paramedics noticed me being nervous so one of them looked at me and said "Don't worry, he is going to be fine. It is a rather small internal bleeding, we got here just on time. He should be out of the hospital by the evening."

"Thank you!" I said and I immediately felt a sense of relief.

I noticed Tommy's phone ringing I saw that it was from his older brother - Wilbur.

"Might be good to pick it up" the paramedic said.

I picked up the phone and Wilbur asked outraged "Where the hell have you been Tommy?"

"It's me Ranboo, erm long story short some maniac tried raping Tommy and Tommy had an internal bleeding, so now we are on our way to the hospital."

"Wait what? Which hospital are you heading to?" Wilbur asked

The paramedic overheard us and said "Tell him that we are going to the hospital on King Rd."

"We are going to the hospital on King Rd." I said

"I will be there soon, bye!" he said and hung up

A few minutes of dead silence passed and we arrived at the hospital, the paramedics quickly took him out of the ambulance and I saw Wilbur waiting there. Tubbo waived at him and he came up to us.

Wilbur asked the paramedics "How is Tommy?" and they replied "He is doing very well, he should be able to get out the hospital very fast."

Tubbo and I went up to Wilbur and he asked "What happened?" and I said "Tommy was sexually assaulted."

Wilbur looked shocked and then Tubbo added "And then the guy tried to rape him."

Wilbur became furious and said "Where is that guy? I am going to kill him."

Tubbo said "Pretty sure Ranboo almost did that."

"Wait so how did the paramedics and cops find Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"Ranboo started searching for Tommy and eventually found him screaming for help in the bathroom, I called 911 while Ranboo beat the living shit out of that guy." Tubbo said.

"Oh my god..." Wilbur said and he hugged me.

Wilbur looked at me and said "Ranboo you saved my little brother."

"It's no big deal honestly." I said and we went into the ER.

~ Time skip to 8 PM ~

Tubbo had to go home and me and Wilbur were waiting anxiously. The nurse came to the waiting room and said "He is good to go!" and then looked at Wilbur "We will need you to fill some paperwork really quickly."

Wilbur went up and went to fill in the paperwork, I went up to Tommy and said "Tommy! You're out already?"

He gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

"They said that the bleeding was stopped in time, so I will be fine." Tommy said.

Yall! Thank you so much for the insane support! See yall in next chapter (in which there likely will be more fluff). I have written a few chapters ahead and now will be able to make daily releases. Later!

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