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-What are we doing here?, asked Emily.

-Me? Nothing. You? You're jumping. Now get on the other side of the railing., ordered the boy.

-No way., replied Emily.

-Well, you're either jumping willingly, or I'm gonna shoot you and then throw you down., said Justin with a smirk.

-Why?, asked the brunette.

-Because you've ruined my life! You stole my Olivia! You don't let me do what I want! You're always getting in my way! I want you to die! I want you to fucking disappear! So start fucking moving or I'll shoot!, yelled Justin, loading the gun.

Emily clenched her jaw and climbed over the railing. At the same time, they started hearing sirens.

-Jump! Now!, yelled the boy.

-Give me a second!, yelled Emily back at him.

-No!, shouted Justin, firing the gun.

The bullet hit the back of Emily's shoulder. She automatically jumped. Then there were some more gunshots. Justin was now on the floor, bleeding out, while Olivia was crying and looking down at the water. The current of the river was too strong. She knew that it was over. The ambulance arrived, taking Justin with him. The officers were about to take Sofia and Olivia home when Olivia basically ran away and got in Sofia's car. She started the car and drove off quickly. She drove down a road that lead to another road, right next to the river. She continued that road until she reached the end of the river, seeing the lake. She got out of the car.

-Emily!, yelled Olivia as loud as she could, tears in her eyes and her lungs burning.

-Emily Quinn! Please!, yelled the brunette once again. 

But there was no answer. She heard another car arrive, seeing the cop car. An officer got out.

-It's dark and late. We won't find her like this. I already called a specialized team. They're on their way here. They'll find her if she made it out. But for now, you're coming with us. We are driving you home., said the officer.

-No. I'm staying here until I find here., said Olivia firmly.

-Ma'am, please get in the car. I don't wanna use force., said the officer.

-No!, yelled Olivia, continuing to be stubborn.

The officer sighed and walked up to her. She grabbed her by her arm and dragged her to the car, getting her in and closing the door. Olivia just kept looking at the water through the window. They drove off. The ride home was quiet. No one talked. They drove to Sofia's place first and then made their way to...well, to Emily's house. She got out of the car and walked to the door.

-I...I can't. Her parents are gonna hate me. They're- They're gonna hate me., said Olivia, looking at the closed door.

Emily's mother opened the door.

-We don't hate you., replied the woman, pulling Olivia into a tight hug while having tears in her eyes. 

Olivia tightened the hug and started sobbing into her arms.

-My husband is off with the search team. They'll find her. Okay? They'll find our girl., said the mother with a soft tone, although it was obvious that she was holding herself back from sobbing.

She thanked the officers and walked in with Olivia. She locked the door and lead Olivia to the couch.

-I'm guessing you don't wanna go to sleep?, said the woman.

-No, I don't..., replied Olivia.

-Okay. How about you go change into your pajamas and I prepare some tea for us both, then we'll settle on the couch and wait until any updates?, suggested the mother as she watched the teenager stare into a void.

Olivia nodded and got up. She walked to Emily's room. She was about to grab some of her own clothes when she looked at Emily's closet. She walked up to it and grabbed one of Emily's sweatpants and then a hoodie. She put them on, the girlfriend's scent being the only sort of comfort at that moment. She walked to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, her mouth still smelling after the cocktail that Anne had made her. She sighed and walked back downstairs, sitting down on the couch. The mother came back with two cups of tea and a few blankets.

-Here, get comfy., said the woman, handing her a blanket.

Olivia nodded and wrapped herself in the blanket. She then grabbed on of the mugs of tea that Emily's mother had prepared and sipped on it.

-I'm sorry., whispered the brunette.

-It's not your fault, Olivia., said the mother.

-It is., replied Olivia.

-No, it's not. Please do not blame yourself., said the woman.

-He's my stalker. He came after her only because she's with me. He hates her because I love her. This is my fault. If I had kept my distances or if I had accepted to go on a date with him, maybe things would have been different., said the brunette.

-Or maybe you'd end up being the one getting hurt. And we both know that Emily would have never forgiven herself. She loves you. She would do anything for you. But honey, this isn't your fault. He did that to her. He's the only one responsible. Not you. Not Em. He's clearly not mentally okay. He has issues. So please, do not overthink it., said the mother, sitting down next to Olivia.

-But if-, started Olivia but was interrupted by the mother.

-No. Stop it. Your'e beating yourself up for something that was out of your control. Stop., replied the woman quickly.

That's when the door bell rang. Olivia frowned. She looked at the mother who was just as confused. Olivia put the mug down and walked up to the door, unsure of what awaited her. If it was any news about Emily, then her father would have most certainly called his wife. And it can't be the cops because they was no cop car outside. She got nervous. What if it was another danger? She looked at the mother who nodded with a soft smile, wanting to encourage her and reassure her. Hobi was now standing next to Olivia, eagerly waiting for her to open the door. She took a deep breath and opened the door. She gasped.

¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨A/N: TRIPLE UPDATE, PEW PEW! i am so bored, stooooooop

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