The black Arabian

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It's the same thing every day; get up, run with the herd, eat grass, run with the herd again, eat more grass and sleep.

I've done this for the past four years, yeah I get lonely, but at least I can understand what the other horses in the herd can say right? I think I would have gone mad if I had no one to talk to in four years. 

I haven't been in human form for a long time, a whole year actually. I don't know, I just don't see the point anymore. I miss my family heaps since the roundup but at least they left this world quickly and painless. More than I can say for others.

We see humans sometimes, very rarely though. About once or twice a year, tourist and fisherman pretty much, I wish I could talk and interact with them but instead I have to flee with the others, just part of being a wild mustang I guess.

While the others are grazing and resting I head off to the stream that goes through the thick forest where my herd stays. I look into the crystal water and just stare, wondering how this became my life. A fully black Arabian stares back with a white star on her forehead with a frizzy black tail and mane. I'm the only fully black horse in the herd, it's not a bad thing it's just another thing that makes me unique. 

The other horses know that I'm a shifter along with Kaleesi the Luna of the herd and they understand, they're not threatened by us because they know who we are and that we're not like the other humans, the ones that come out here to kill us. I've never understood why they did that to us, we stay our distance from them why can't they stay their distance from us, Instead of killing us?

"We better head back" Skylar my inner horse states to me. "Okay" I whisper out loud, not wanting to leave such a peaceful place. So I head off towards the herd and the mountain shadowing behind them.


Sorry It's so short :(

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Love Bree

The Arabian horse shifter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now