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"Sonyadore!" I'm jolted out of my sleep with. "Sonyadore are you okay?" It's Knight. "Yes I'm fine" I say bluntly. "No you're not, don't lie to me!" He argues. "Fine you want to know what's wrong, I miss my herd, my freedom, and my family!" I yell at him, going quiet at the last part though.

Were the only horses in the stable everyone else went away for the weekend to a show.

"I didn't even think about who you let behind" He asks quietly. "I didn't leave anyone behind" I say bluntly, not wanting to talk about. "Rounders?" he asks quietly. "Yeah how did you know?" I ask surprised that he got it.

"Who is Samson?" he asks still quiet. I have to tell him, even though I don't even want to think about it, I know I have too.

"Before I was a mustang, I lived as a human. I had a house, and a family and friends, I even went to school. We used to go out every weekend to be horses with the herd that I lived with when I was caught. When I was a fresh shifter, we went out to visit them like usual and rounders came and my mum told me to run deep into the forest. I didn't want to go without her though. She wasn't with me so I went to run up to them, Mum, Dad and my brother Jameson. But it was too late, Samson my friend that I was with went to run up to his mum and he was, he was shot. I turned to look at my family but I knew it was too late when I heard three gun shots. They all fell to ground with a thud. But I couldn't go back so I stayed with the herd for the next four years, until I was caught and brought here." I say in a blurry rush, by now I'm crying, Knight stayed silent the whole time just listening to me.

"How did you know about Samson?" I ask chocking on every word. "I woke up to a loud noise and it was you, you were screaming out Samson." Knight says almost haunted.

"Sorry" I say for waking him up. "Don't you dare apologize, it's not your fault that that happened, or for dreaming about it, and I'm here to listen, whenever you want to talk I'm here remember that." "Okay" I say quietly.

"The same thing happened to me" Knight says about a minute later, shocking me. "How" I ask. Talking about what actually felt good, like I was holding in a breath for the past four years and finally let it go. So he should talk too, and I'm here for him as he is for me.

"Well I lived in a herd for my whole life, but mum, she was like your family, lived a human and a horse life. But she liked being a horse better so we became part of a herd. It's all I knew, and mum told me everything she knew about being a human. The men came one day, but instead of just shooting us they tried to catch us all. Mum didn't want to go, so she put up a fight, but ended up breaking her leg, she had to be shot. I watched her fall to the ground. The last thing she told me was be strong and do whatever the men wanted me to do, so I walked up to the men and went without a fight, for my mother." He said also rushing through it like I did, like every word is acid coming up your throat.

"I'm sorry Knight" I say sadly, still sobbing slightly. I'm glad all the other horses are gone; otherwise we never would have had this talk. "As am I" he answers.

"Go back to sleep, if you start to have a nightmare again I'll wake you up." Knight tells me. "You sure?" I ask "Yes I'm definitely sure" He tells me strongly. "Okay"

I didn't have a bad dream that night instead I dreamed of Knight and me galloping in a field full of daisy's and long, juicy green grass. Thankyou Knight.


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Love Bree

The Arabian horse shifter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now