The roundup

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"Run!" I hear Kaleesi yell at everyone, she has been like a mum to be in the past four years, and I see mares and their foals running in all directions. "Hah Hah, come on get up" a rough looking man says on top of a white stallion with a black mane and tail, coming out from behind the mountain.

"It's a roundup!" Skylar screams at me. "Run Sonyadore!" she screams at me again. I decide to gallop full pelt at the rider trying to scare him away to save the rest of the herd. "No Sonyadore, don't do this, there could be more of them, please Sonyadore." "I have to do this Skylar, for my family" I reply chocking on the last words. She doesn't answer.

I mask my shifter scent in case any of them can recognise it, full-blood humans are threatened by us, always have they say that were not natural and should never have been born. Some people believe so strongly of this that they kill us on the spot. So my mother taught me how to mask my scent. One of the last things my mother and I did together.

"Hey guys look at this mare, she's a beauty isn't she?" asks the man on the stallion. "Sonyadore there are others, I told you this was a bad idea!" Skylar yells at me franticly. Six more men come out from around the mountain. Okay I admit this was a bad plan. I stop right in front of the stallion and rear right up in his face. He rears up with me, throwing his rider off.

"Just let them take you, if you resist too much you could get hurt and they will have to put you down, please. It's not as bad as you think where we live, just please believe me" the stallion says as I come down, surprising me. His rider scrambles back into the saddle. "Why are you helping me" I demand making eye contact. "Mate, mate Sonyadore his your mate" Skylar screams at me. My eyes widen and I can tell his inner horse tells him as well because his eyes widen too. Animals and shifters both have inner selves that talk to us. "Mate" I whisper to him, he throws his head up and down telling me yes. "Whoa boy, what's wrong with ya?"

"look at this mare, It's as if their talking" the man on my mate laughs. "Well rope her then" says another man on top of a chestnut. What no I'm free, I'm a mustang now. I go to flee but it's too late, the man had already roped me. I rear up and another rope goes around one of my front legs, they pull and I come down hard on my shoulder. I kick out and try to get up but it's no use, they've got me. I'm not free anymore. I look up sadly at my mate and he looks back with fear in his eyes.

I'm sorry this happened to you" he tells me and looks down at the ground.

 "It's okay" I tell him trying to reassure him, but really I think I'm trying to reassure myself.


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