Breaking in

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Walter is walking up to me with a saddle rug cautious not to spook me; it makes me a bit nervous when they do that actually. Instead of wasting his time I just walk up to him and turn so my back so it is facing him.

"Who's a smart girl, I bet White Knight told you what to do hey?" Walter jokes as he looks at Knight. Well his pretty much spot on. To have a little fun I let him put the rug on my back then I would walk away, bite it and pull it off. Then I would walk up to him and give the rug back, I do this about five times. "Sonyadore what are you doing?" Knight sighs.

"I'm bored from being cooped up in my stall, so I thought I would have some fun" I say excited to be outside and doing something. "Fare enough" he laughs.

"I'm good now, he can do whatever he wants" I state casual. "Well tell him that" he says as he looks at Walter, who is sighing with his head in his hand. Ha who's got the power, I've got the power.

I rub my nuzzle against Walters hand that's on his head. He jumps then laughs while he pats my neck. "I'm going to try this one more time Natarlia okay?" "Natarlia?" I ask out loud. "Looks like you got a name" Knight laughs. I throw my head up and down which earns another laugh, this time from Walter "you like that, Natarlia, the boss told me to call you that?" Walter tells me. He puts the rug on my back and I stay perfectly still. "Good girl Natarlia" Walter praises.

He then goes and gets a western saddle and slowly sits it on my back, yet again I stay perfectly still. "Now Sonyadore or Natarlia which do you prefer?" Knight asks "Sonyadore please." I reply. "So he's going to put a strap called a girth around your waist. It will feel really uncomfortable at first but try not to..." whatever Knight was going to say or said I didn't hear because well, I kind of bucked a couple times. "Buck, I was going to say, try not to buck." Knight finishes his sentence with.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I never, ever expected it to feel like that!." I apologize to Knight. "Happens to the best of us, even me." He laughs. "I thought you said you were calm or whatever when you were broken in." "Well I think everyone has the same reaction when the girth gets done up for the first time"

"That's it Natarlia, nice and calm" Walter says soothingly. He tightens it up a bit more and I stay perfectly still for him. "Good girl, you're a quiet thing aren't ya?" he walks away and comes back with a western bridle with jewels over the brow band.

He starts to put the bridle over my head, and then tried to push the bit into my mouth, which stayed sealed shut. "Just open your mouth Sonyadore" Knight laughs. He must be finding this very amusing by the amount of times I've made him laugh.

"Fine" I say through my gritted teeth. I slowly open my mouth and in the bit goes. Never have I ever tasted something so foul in my life. It's like eating rusted steel and really it's not far off, a piece of metal in your mouth sitting on top of your tongue.

"This tastes foul Knight" I complain to him. "Yes, yes it does but don't worry it gets better over time." He laughs. Yet again he finds this amusing!

"Okay Natarlia, I'm going to sit on you now okay?" Walter asks calmly. And I am ready, I'm going to be nice and calm and do what he tells me. He puts his foot in the stirrups while holding onto my mane and the reins with one hand and holds onto the cantle of the saddle with the other, and swings his body over into the saddle.

I stay calm and it's not even that uncomfortable. "Good girl Natarlia, you're a good girl" praises Walter. He puts slight pressure on my sides and I start to walk he puts light pressure on the left rein so I turn left. He puts more pressure on my sides and I start to trot, then canter. When he feels confident enough he opened the gate to a giant paddock.

He puts pressure on my sides and he clicks me up, and I know what he wants. We set off at a full on gallop across the paddock going wherever he wants me too. After what feels like an hour of galloping and walking etc. we comeback and Knight is gone.

He unsaddles me and leads me back to the stables, there is Knight standing in his stall eating hay. "How did you go, didn't buck him off by the looks of that smile on his face" knight says with a mouth full of hay.

"Beautiful table manners Knight, and no I didn't buck him off or anything, it felt good to gallop, even with a rider." I reply confident and still full of adrenaline from the run. "Good girl" he praises "thankyou" I laugh.

Walter walks off with the lead rope and hangs it up on a hook.


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