The trail ride

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My second mate walks up to me and clips a lead rope he was holding onto my halter. Natalie does the same to knight. He looks into my eyes and I can tell he feels it, but how, he's human... isn't he?"

"Impossible Tyler... how can a horse be my mate" says the boss's son while looking into my eyes. "Skylar I thought humans didn't have mates or inner selves." I say while still looking into his eyes. "They don't, he mustn't be human then." "So he's a shifter then?" I ask her, what if he is a shifter, I have to find out. "It's the only explanation." Skylar tells me.

"What was that John?" asks Natalie. So his name is John. "Oh just saying hello to the mare." He says his voice a little edgy.

"Well come on, we're going for a ride, I'm riding you today and Natalie is riding White Knight." John tells me, his voice wavering a little bit. "What happened to him riding you?" I ask Knight. "Change of mind I guess" he says with a mouthful of grass, oblivious of the conflict brewing. "Oh, okay" I answer a little unsure of this idea. My second mate will be riding me and my first mate will next to me ridden by Natalie. Not Awkward at all.

"I'm going to tell him when we get to our destination" I tell Skylar. "Tell who what?" she asks casually. I don't know how she can be so casual in this situation. "I'm going to tell Knight that John is my mate too." I tell Skylar aggravated that my life here was getting so good and now, It's falling apart. "That's a good idea, because as I said before, the longer you wait the harder it will be for him to take in"

We walk out of the paddock and into the stable. We get put on cross ropes to get tacked up. When we're done our riders mount us and we're off.

We slowdown from a slow gallop to a steady walk after about half an hour of being out. We listen to Natalia and John talking about nothing in particular. I'm lost in my own thoughts and problems to even pay attention to them as I walk.

"So Natalie, have you found your mate yet?" John asks Natalie. "No not yet how about you?" she answers. "Well yeah, I have actually" "what who?!" she asks excited and smiling a broad smile. Wait no; if he tells her about us, Knight will over hear him. I want to tell him myself, otherwise he won't trust me anymore.

"Well that's the weird part, It's um well, it's Natarlia." He says stuttering. Oh no he said it. "Natarlia as in the horse?" Natalie asks while pointing at me smirking. "What is he going on about, he's a human and besides I'm your mate, my inner horse said so, didn't yours?" Knight asks a bit too quickly.

I'm cut short by John "yes I'm talking about the horse." John answers Natalie in a rush. Natalie looks around to see if anyone is around, no one. "but that's impossible John, were shifters, and she's just a horse." Natalie says quietly as if someone could hear, even though no one is around for miles. "What!?" Knight and I say in union.

Shifters, I had a hunch because apparently he's my mate but wow their actually shifters. I'm not alone anymore. I can't help it, I throw John off with an unexpected buck, "AHHHH!" John yells as he fly's through the air. He gets up and yells out "What was that for Natarlia!" I decide its time, time to shift for the first time in a year, to show John, to show Knight. I shift Holding onto the saddle pad and wrap it around my cold bare body. I have long wavy dark black hair with a tanned body, and dark, deep brown eyes.

Knight looks at me with wide eyes. "Natarlia, you're a, a shifter?" John asks as shocked as I am. "John, can you shift please, I want proof?" I ask him before I shift back to a horse because it was too awkward standing here with only a saddle rug on; I want to know what animal he is. He shifts into a tall dark bay thoroughbred.

"You're a horse" I say, happy to see my own kind again. "Me, you're the shifter that acted to be a horse for the entire week?" "Well if you were full-blood humans you would have shot me if you found out!" I retort "Yeah okay that's fair" he answers. "Sonyadore?" I turn around and see a young man the same age as John probably, with a saddle rug wrapped himself and Natalie next to him staring wide eyed. The young man had rough black hair and albino skin.

It was Knight.


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